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  • Good evening, it may be "raining on wet" but I believe that these changes do not have anything positive, and no appeal to the game; no one in good conscience use their bars to buy more and more dyes, or fill wardrobes with endless amounts of clothes, the ONLY thing that motivated the players to have bars were the Wards.…
  • ty for the hyperlink beckylunatic, was pretty much helpful.
  • Impossible bro, if what u say its true, doesnt even exist double refinement for the weapons anymore. I dont care to w8 the Double RP to expend all my stones of refinement AND MY WEAPON, and in ur version, its impossible to us now use the Double RP to ur stones, that cant be true. If possible the panderus say something…
  • Hey guys, one more bug here: The new Artifact weapons, AFTER lvl 15 (or Rare) when the new tag "Always Double Refinement" has to work, so, he doesnt work correctly, let me explain: If u put an weapon to use like refinement point, the tag works like the expected, but, if u try to use the refinement stones, the tag doesnt…
  • Good evening everyone, first I would like to ask, is some kind of joke? Why? Because the character was a sh*t, that's why you are happy? It can only be. I agree with every word said by zacazu, especially this part This the clonkyo1 said is something VERY VERY important to the GWF, because we do not have stealth, or…