My toon is human and she only has 12 total appearance change items between the 5 slots (2 in head, 0 in armor, 1 in arms, 0 in feet and 8 in the neck slot). The 'Robe of the Lake' and 'Crown of the Forest' both say level 3 equipment item. I pulled the former out before I realized it and it's sitting in my inventory! Is…
It started doing this to me the other day (I'm on PS4 tho). I'm full of coins and not interested in the coffers anymore. It's doing it on at least 3 toons (haven't tried with the other 2 yet) and it's been days without resolving. I've never had this happen before but my SO says it happens to him all the time but resolves…
This is still happening (waist up stuck in ceiling). I was hoping to do all the Chult hunts at least once, esp before the new combat/scaling changes happen (console).
I take mine back, the journal and quest giver screens showed normal currency but when I turned them in they were doubled. So for me, only the screens changed not the actual reward.
Yup, was getting double til today. I'm so close to unlocking the next task too, grrrrr… Edit: I'm curious if anyone had theirs change back to double or if it stayed bugged?
I just started SoMI with a new character and am coming across this. It means never being able to use your daily while questing here. Using the boat can't be avoided. Please fix! I know it didn't use to be this way. I did this zone with 2 toons when it first released.
This is still broken in Drowned Shore. I'm assuming it's the same section. It's the bridge that goes out north of Blackdagger Keep. I just plummeted to my death while going there to get the Scrying Stone.
Add me to the boat. I took advantage of the guild mark discount this wknd to get what I needed and nope, no exchange. I did MW 1-2 under the old Mailsmithing system. I guess I'm done with crafting. I love and hate this game at the same time. :(
This just happened to me. I've never had this problem before. I've done it about 5-6 times. Got the pick, entered the mines, destroyed the 5 red crystals and the path goes thru the ice wall. I can see the little sparkles around the final red crystal inside.
This is due to the Berserker's Might equip bonus (it's on your Decaying Habit):
I can confirm this. I have a head armor from Barovia (Decaying Habit) with this bonus. It was driving me crazy. I switched to something else and it stopped.
All I know is I accidentally deleted a rank 8 enchantment half filled with refinement but it required the discard text safeguard on stupid corn for the Summer Feast activity. SRSLY?!!!!!?!!!! They need to go back and look at what it applies to, cuz in my experience so far it's useless!
Yep, same here. It loads faster if someone is there or has been there recently. Today's update fixes some memory leaks so maybe this is related and it'll solve the crash issue. Otherwise, it doesn't happen often enough to be too annoying, and actually I haven't had it happen in the last few weeks at all.
Are altars on your left direction button? I have my Pocket Pet there and sometimes when I use L1+Left direction button for inventory I think I might hit the direction button first and it invokes the pocket pet. Maybe that's what's happening?
I have the same 2 classes for my chars and I agree. We help in many ways and get no credit (besides most healing, but since everyone wants buffs and not healing that's not a great measurement either). My CW often makes the top 3 for paingiver or kills so I'm not worried about that. The only buff I provide is ray of…
Personally, I'd recommend Sharandar as it's the easiest level 70 content, AND when you complete it you can do a task that gets you power points to spend in the Power window (so you can level powers to 4). I did not know this and even after 10 xp level ups I've only gotten 2 measly PPs. I only just started Sharandar so I…
I tried getting on an hour ago and it was down then too. I came on here to find out if they were doing maintenance earlier than normal. Hoping for some last minute xp for my cleric who's not gotten a power point in 5 straight level ups and only 2 in about 10 level ups total. Ugh! Ready to delete her it's frustrating. My…
The app says it updated to version 2.0 but when I launch it doesn't make it to the "Play" screen and crashes. There's also an error that it can't download. If it's updated what needs downloading still?
1) Don't know but there's a thread about it under the bugs section. It's buggy for me so I run it for the loot chest at end and 2x seals and if I don't get credit then it's not a complete loss. :/ 2) Contests always start at a quarter after the hour, e.g. 2:15, 3:15 and run for 15 minutes.
I was in 70s and 80s also. @darthchimay You can get it through the Trial of Traps and the foot race (3, 2 and 1 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, or 2 for beating the time trial). You don't have to do the 3 extra dailies at all.