Sure thing, my brother. I have my mount bolster at 100% finally. Played for years before pulling my first Lego mount and now in the past 4 months I've pulled two mythic and about 6 Lego. I pulled the Lego bear mount so many times I gave away at least two to random players in PE. Lol
Agreed. About 90% of the time I get refining stones when I open a box. I have over 4million rp and nothing to use it for. Even if I buy a ten pack of keys, 8 out of the ten will contain worthless refining stones that drop from every third enemy anyway. It's just another way they can reduce the chance of pulling anything…
Often it has taken an hour or two in cases like this for something to show up at rewards claims in PE but it's been since last night at this point and I still can't claim it
Yeah I've tried all that. It says I need 10 mb or Gb and I have 30 Gb of space. But it gives me the not enough space error every time. I already missed one key...
I've gotten it both years on two toons. The first time was super easy. This year the enchanted sash didn't drop from a piñata until I had everything else needed
Yeah, I have the quest and everything needed. It is just when you get to the end of the ME and try to open the chest, it does the interaction but doesn't give you anything. I had it happen once before and it eventually started working again but this time,it is still bugged after weeks of playing through MEs sometimes with…