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  • Off with their heads! Call Ser Ilyn Payne! LOL
  • Even after years of MMOs, i never cease to be amazed by the endless ranting of the complainers. Such energy! Such lack of better thigns to say! Well... time will tell if PWE will fix the game and its economy. I'd better get some sleep and hope to find the servers online tomorrow.
  • Maybe PWE and Cryptic might ask for the kind help of the CCP (i.e. EVE Online) economists. They seem to be very accomplished on making plans to fix MMO economies. lol
  • Yes, I did read the post. But since obviously the exploit was going on longer than these 7 hours, and since not all the AD amassed by the exploiters will still be on their hands, it seems the measure will not fix the game economy outright. There will still be a lot of AD running around and causing currency rate problems.…
  • If this 7 hour rollback isn't enough, aren't there any other options besides rollbacks? From my take, the only way to inject ZEN into the game economy is by buying it with real money, right? All the ZEN hoarded by the exploiters is part of this originally lawfully bought ZEN, so banning these accounts will actually drive…
  • I think it was a very reasonable solution. Rollbacks are always a pain (oh man, I was kinda liking my new companion and i'll have to start training it all over again), but i think a 7 hour rollback is better than a 7 day rollback, or worse. A very elegant solution for a problem that might have done much more damage if not…