So, will cleric healing word (etc.) be affecting pets now? Hopefully yes, otherwise this sounds like an unbalanced change that will make bard better than other healers.
^ This ^ Really, why do you ask for feedback when this is going live already? Is there going to be a 2nd iteration of change? If not, then you might as well delete this thread. (respectfully)
Some extra info: Sometimes a weapon does drop. Twice this happened to my group - and on both occasions it triggered the other bug of red AOEs continuing to appear and all players stuck in combat and can't claim the chest loot. (this stuck in combat bug is also reported in another thread)
Thanks @"crypticpop#7861" for this update. A lot of us were worried that this change was irreversible and we have to roll for everything from scratch. I understand that at some point we'll get back everything that we had before? In that case it is good.
This is not the current situation though. Currently all the weapons are totally locked. Even though you may see some modification highlighted - note that it has a lock on it, so it doesn't actually do anything. You pretty much have to open everything you need again - this is a worst situation than if you'd received a new…
Yep, agreed. There is no hit on game economy if they hand out character bound cubes on each toon that owned weapons before their cut-off date. These will only be available after the patch today.
So, looks like you are going to give everyone 220 cubes to resolve this? Surely you should be aware that 220 isn't even close to covering where all our weapons across all our toons were already setup. Please do better than 220. Sometimes 220 isn't even enough to get 1 weapon set to where it was before. People paid real…
That's it, 220 per account? Who even calculated this number? Should be more like 2200 - and even then probably a lot of people spent more. These cubes come from lockboxes which people pay real money for the enchanting keys to open. Cryptic, please do better than that - it's your own fault those weapon modifications got…
Not sure if it was reported anywhere - but looks like the new companion power "Sense through the shadowfell" isn't working properly. I have this power slotted and I ran 3 quests that gave 10 war commendations each. The campaign progress is showing a total of 30 - but I expected it to be 33 due to the 10% currency bonus.
BUG: So the most recent patch is live on preview - I've checked the artifact weapon modification and they still are all reset and blocked. (even though on current live I have most weapon modifications option active) I haven't seen this addressed anywhere yet despite a few comments. Is there any plan to compensate us for…
This really has to be addressed. I've personally spent hundreds of cubes across my weapon sets on all my toons. And now this all resets? If that happens, I expect the reclaim agent to give us back all the cubes we used.
Bug: The artifact weapon modifications are totally reset when the character is copied to preview. We've spend a lot of modification cubes to get the weapons to where we need them to be - there's no reason for this to reset. Note: I've seen this mentioned in other posts as well - but wanted to emphasize this and list as a…
This one is really important. I'm pretty sure that happened to me as well - I was switching between loadouts and 2 of my enchants went completely missing. This should be checked by the devs.
Definitely agree with this suggestion. Maybe add a button that moves all enchants to shared bank. Then Having a "save enchant setup" button and a "load setup" button that can take enchants from shared bank and slot them in according to the saved setup. That would be a great improvement.
a Yep, there should be an enchant for healers or something like vorpal that adds stats. Nothing of the current new combat enchants really helps a healer.
That's because it doesn't make sense... In the current system you use 1 ward to protect multiple resources. In this new system it actually burns wards for protecting nothing. Each attempt to upgrade should not burn more than 1 ward since it can only burn only 1 resource.
Feedback/bug: Too many wards consumed. See the image below - on the new system I can choose to protect two resources with pres ward. When the upgrade fails one resource is chosen to be consumed. The pres ward is protecting the resource which is OK - but the 2nd pres ward is also consumed even though the enchanting stone…
100% We spend real money on this stuff; I expect to see some exchange for it. I hope it's just an oversight that there isn't a MoP to Glyph exchange yet.
Feedback: I didn't see any exchange options for existing mark of potencies. I would expect some exchange to allow getting new the glyphs of potencies for them. People just used the bazaar discount to get MOPs expecting that they will still be needed to upgrade artifacts or what not.
Same here - this "hot-fix" was only good going forward. What about retroactively giving people their missing incentives? I work in the IT business - and any time that we have a bug that caused some issues with customer data - we also provide scripts to retroactively fix what was broken. Same should be done here - and it's…