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  • I don't want to go off topic, ill just end this topic with my theory (as stated in OP). Regarding your claims, you are basing them on nothing, EVEN if they were useless its just one more reason why I don't trust cryptic, you need to let the game live abit before you do any balancing, especially with their small resources.…
  • Ofcourse you can kill them, its just the matchup isn't in your favor, you also have to consider the fact that GWF was already a strong class when beta came out and yet they buffed it TWICE since then AND gave them broken boon/s on top of that. If you want a good place to start check out my 1v1 before the expansion:…
  • what on earth are you babbling about? did you even read the topic lol
  • Then you should fix your OP "So what you get is entangle > prone > debuff > chance at hitting them again and proning > root > prone." thats 3x prones. If you meant it is as alternative combo then its wrong, because you will never want to do the alternative combo since it allows the enemy to stand up and dash away if you…
  • if you directly drop it, the next move won't prone because of the hitbox, you will end up moving it past them and they will stand up before you are able to bring it back, I know of this because that's how it works, unless you are saying after this new module it acts differently.
  • if you avoid hitting than how do you prone?
  • AFAIK as soon as boulder drops and prones someone it is guaranteed to explode on next hit, are you saying you are able to prone 3 times with just 1 encounter? video or it didn't happen!
  • the great thing about the boulder (and now its even better after the arp buff) is you only need 2 skills to kill another cw, the icy rays + enfeeble are usually just an overkill. If you are tanky enough you can start your combo only when the other cw is about to finish his, usually they stand still while casting last skill…
  • If at any point you manage to force rotation where the GWF is called to middle you practically won the game, also you're pretty tanky, you can swap to your main weap and still do dmg. you can also retake the cap, why can't i "push him all over"? this is exactly what this setup does, I get 100% control he never goes immune…
  • Yeah I can confirm the boulder setup wasn't mine nor anyone from my guild, we did a premade against coglover and although they lost our cleric kept saying he was proned locked by that guy, I then noticed the extra debuff glitch from boulder and adapted the setup (I did tweak it and replaced chillstrike with enfeeble to…
  • type in chat /gfxsetdefaultfov 85 (I think default is 55 and max is around 110? not sure but i'd try 75 then when you get used to that go 80 and then 85)
  • I used middle tree, my feats were like this: http://nwcalc.com/cw?b=cn4:13ydj4:13ydj4,13n10n0:150000:1uu55u:100000&h=0&p=ssm the only difference I used to have critical power feat from bottom tree (it roughly gave me 3-4 more dailys per pvp match @ 10min match avg) but seeing as it was nerfed I would probably opt for…
  • Why when I search for the name "legolas" i find 47 rangers online and one GF(?) and "robin hood" i find 12 rangers online, please explain ranger community mindset to me
  • taking nature heal is a terrible choice imo, to be pvp viable you always want to spec solo mode, even if some builds work better in groups most of the time you don't have such luxury unless you are someone who only premades 24/7 which I don't think anyone is in this game. I don't understand the problem with medidation, so…
  • easy way to prove you're legit is to upload your POV pvping him, unless you are trying to hide something.
  • Mr. erika why don't you just do it on the PTR server? you seem too confident on the live servers, maybe you know something we don't, or you think we don't know (lol). Anyway any real challenge should be issued strictly on even grounds, because otherwise you just prove that you have better gear, nothing else.
  • how is that abuse of game mechanics, you can do that with every at will in the game, including buffering duelist flurry, prenerf cloud of steel jump+throw, if anything its clever use of game mechanics, hence why I said it takes time getting used to, not everyone can do it consistently. you can cancel dailys, cancel…
  • You can do that by simply jumping and buffering ray mid air, it allows you to put 1stack per tick and still kite back or chase someone and apply stacks, takes some time getting used to but one of the best enablers for the class.
  • 1. GWF 2. TR 3. GF/CW I would put GF as #1 but his major downside is that he has no escape options, its a kill or be killed class, everything else he pretty much dominates. GWF has impressive CC, consistent dmg, amazing defense, amazing escape/kite options. TR has lesser CC, amazing burst dmg, decent defense, amazing…
  • sounds to me like you have some confidence issues, how do you think clans are formed? they just sense that they are meant to play together? try pvp, if you like it and continue doing so someone will notice you and offer you to join their team, or you will meet some cool people and become friends with and might end up…
  • What do you mean universally loved? you said it yourself, if it comes from the community it will get the support it needs. with the amount of suggestions and feedback circulating just from this subforum alone you can make a new game from the ground up, problem is no one listens. I've been on IRC, I watched #ctfpickup…
  • this isn't as rare in other games as you described, if you look at cs:go matchmaking (especially when it began) after few rounds of losing people would leave left and right, the fix was to apply a 90min penalty before you can queue again (and the penalty gradually multiplied). even with the penalty system people would…
  • Just to clarify, this thread is about pvp, I was commenting in regards to pvp.
  • I understand the frustration and I have alot of input I would like to provide but lets be real here, no one reads these from cryptic, unless its a nerf, exploit, bug or zen related they've shown during half a year they have ZERO concern about community feedback. I don't know their timelines and resources but it's obvious…
  • but the dude basically said why its not possible to dodge while in PRONE, chain means he already got hit by something, that was my point lol
  • impact chain appeared after code change to dodge (serverside), since it only applies to dodge the best approach is to counter with skills and not try to dodge (assuming you got hit by the first impact from stealth-> stun), you have a very small window to do that since impact still does pushback and that can interrupt your…
  • Like it really matters, so far the way things work around here are dictated by the amount of blind whiners. inb4 next week someone opens a thread asking why aren't we armor swapping, if the game allows it.
  • 3 pages none gave the right answer, keep debating please maybe you'll figure out the historically (very simple) reason not to use elixirs in pvp.