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  • This is the final straw in the lopsided relationship Cryptic/Arc has with it's CUSTOMERS ! All you do is take, take, take. Take our money, then take away most of the dungeons, take away our skills with nerfs, nerf our ability to make AD and now this. I'm tired of it and am so done with this game. Every time you release a…
  • Only Cryptic would release an expansion in this manner. Why didn't they wait until everything was ready before releasing Mod 6 instead of this broken-down mess ? I don't know anyone who's happy with any of it. I hope too many people don't quit, otherwise they'll shut the game down.
  • I see pitchforks and torches on the horizon....:mad:
  • He did give it to me but the '?' over his head did not appear until after I returned from completing the other 2 task first. What a waste of time and I STILL can't invoke !
  • Don't forget they made the same change to Protect the Diamond Shipment.
  • Why is it that I never get past the 4th Blessing before getting kicked back to the 1st Blessing ? How do you get 5 and 6 ?
  • Why is it that I never get past the 4th Blessing before getting kicked back to the 1st Blessing ? How do you get 5 and 6 ?
  • The Scourge Warlock took the biigest shot in the face withe the Life-Steal proc AND Tyrannical Threat now splashes half as much damage as before. TT & Dreadtheft being the primary offensive tool the class.
  • It's not the uninspired leveling that's really the problem, although the repetition is becoming mind-numbingly boring. It's the Leadership nerf which really has me upset. I spent a lot of time, money and AD getting complete sets of Man-at-Arms and Mercs so that I could finally reap some rewards from my Professions and now…
  • "Scourge Warlock Tyrannical Threat: This power now splashes half as much damage as before." Between the Life-Steal proc and this nerf, I believe Cryptic has finally succeeded in killing the Scourge Warlock class as the Tyrannical Threat/Dreadtheft combo was the most potent tool the class had given how squishy it is and the…
  • http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Emperor's_Cloth_Shirt What is the set for the GWF called ? Because the ECS and ECP are for the CW only. :(
  • Is there a set like this for other classes beside the Control Wizard ? I need to disable the 'shirt' visuals for my Great Weapon Fighter.
  • The servers were supposed to be up almost 3 hrs. ago.(9 a.m. p.s.t.) Does anyone know what the problem is and when they're coming back online ? As Ryxx would say..."There are things to be done." :cool: