I am so happy to hear that Panderus. I like to xmog items as well but have refrained from doing so because the in-game cost is so prohibitive. I think Crystal made a very poignant point when she said that you need to spend real world money to be able to afford to change the appearance of an item. This is my first real…
For me, aside from the other "fluff" items, any improvement in CPU performance is major. The game client pegs my CPU meter at 100% and causes major lag especially in the enclave. I get this in dungeons too like Karru. This is game breaking for me when I have my graphics at the lowest setting and it looks like I'm playing…
cmpinpointerror I certainly hope you fix the stability issues. Since launch I have experienced game crashes about every 20 min or so. When the server went down I was healing guild run in Epic PK and the game crashed 5 times on 1st boss then once on the Capt. and the server went down almost simultaneously.
$4k USD for this game? Are you kidding me? $4000.00?? For a GAME??? Dude either you are rolling in cash and I envy you or someone needs a financial advisor! I am lothe to admit spending about $300 USD on this game.
The salvaging thing is great except when I tried it on the Preview Shard I salvaged 2 epics that the pop-up window said awarded me 4000 AD and 6000AD it never transferred the amount to my bank total. You guys need to check that out.
Agreed Hellfirefury. This issue is open to ALOT of abuse by unscrupulous twits. It is a game breaking issue and needs to be addressed ASAP. I personally have not seen end-game content yet being new to BETA, but as a long-time WoW player I have seen this garbage ruin guilds, etc. Perhaps they could come up with a solution…
Hi guys! I have been playing the open beta now for a few days. I have been enjoying most of the content so far with a few exceptions. I have found many features of the game confusing and hard to flesh out. I have also felt like a horse being led by a carrot on a string when it comes to zen and my wallet. I am new to the…