I posted a question in the Q&A thread about weapon dyeing a couple days ago and I just read the manuscript of which questions were answered. Unsurprisingly, I suppose, my question was ignored. However, in their defense, it was a later question in the overall thread. Maybe if I got closer to the first page they would have…
No, none of them have gotten any responses. We should just keep this thread bumped. I have no idea why, you'd think a problem this simple would take a whole 60 seconds to respond to. There must be something we don't know, or the devs are vehemently against weapon dyeing for no reason.
If you're going to limit yourself by not using the auction house at all, then the game doesn't have to change for you. While I agree that it's an obscene amount of time that is required to get your character to max gear (which, by the way, is NOT required for ANY endgame content except hyper-"competitive" PvP), it is NOT…
It's not quite that simple. For many people, their preferred armor color doesn't match any enchantments, and even if it does, the enchantment does not cover enough of the weapon. Even then, its still possible to make out the color of a weapon under anything but Perfects. My longsword, for example, is transmuted to a…
Yep, happens to me too at seemingly random times. Wonder what causes it. Seems to be quite a few people. The nature of the error is really strange too.
Originally, players could dye weapons. Later, players could use a sorta buggy method using Change Appearance popups to dye weapons. For a long time now, that "bug" has been "fixed" so that it's not possible to dye a weapon, ever. The entire time, ZERO words from Devs. Heck, even the "bug fix" was a hidden update not…
Rank 6 enchantments are contained VERY VERY commonly in Iron Strongbox of Enchantments. The supply of them from said source is so high that NOBODY crafts them with a Mark of Potency. Their supply, which is half the factor of their price, is determined by how many of those Strongboxes are being opened for loot. Nobody makes…
Having been there, I agree, somewhat, although they really aren't that hard... However, having posted that in a thread about private parties of players gating off sub 13-14k players, I am under the assumption that your solution would be to force those players to carry you. (I apologize sincerely if that is not the case)…
Look at it from my perspective: I am a 20k GF. I busted my *** using the queue system to gear up and make money with whatever groups I could find. I was kicked often because people believe a GF is useless , despite the fact that I topped dps charts rather often in the groups that kept me. I DO NOT actually do this, as I…
I'm sorry, have you ever actually played this game? GFs move at reduced speed while guarding - if I tried closing on you with guard up, your dodges would come back in time to get away, and my meter would be gone by that point. Also, a Conqueror GF really really doesn't want to put his shield up because of Reckless…
Coming from a 20k GF, however, I don't find my reasoning to be biased. For GWFs, maybe, since they already have sprint - extra mobility. Even then, I dont think this is the best way to balance GWF vs HR/CW. Sentinel IV survivability needs toned way down. Also they shouldn't have frontline :( They dont even have shields.…
I beg to differ, more powers open without having to spend 200k AD = more people trying new setups. I really don't understand your conclusion. Giving everybody the eventual ability to gain every power sounds like MORE variation opportunities to me.
"Qualify by having at least two level 60 characters talk to Jarlaxle in Caer-Konig, the main town in Icewind Dale." This makes no sense. Please no. If my class artifact turns out to be good, I want to earn it on MY class, on MY character, not by making an alt I will never use other than for this purpose. Make me do ANOTHER…
Five things. ONE - the 23k was on a GF, look closer, there are some 30k+. TWO- LOL YOU THINK 30K CRITS ARE OKAY THREE -The video is ages old, just to show a point. Getting to 35k HP (and decent defense/deflect etc... because of artifact inflation) was not at easy as it is now. FOUR - Even if people do get 40k HP (because…
Sure, I solo a whole bunch of stuff in WoW - but NEVER EVER EVER current-level stuff (90). Sometimes I can do 85s with great difficulty, level-80 stuff with a small degree of difficulty... Not 90. Ever. And it should be that way. 90-tier raids could lead to huge profits if soloable, as it is the currently-relevant level of…
I don't understand, do you think people shouldn't be yelling about 1-shotting? No logical person could assert that. You can't look at this and say "That's balanced." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJiUza3gdqs Just because TR was initially able to ONESHOT with an ENCOUNTER doesn't mean it must be okay. And now, due to…
"This is just a balance change so I wouldn't expect any big or special announcements directly towards it." I was not looking for big announcements, I was just curious if anybody else had more information from any other sources. If there were big announcements, I wouldnt be here.
"But I really hope they take into consideration that lots of people rely on the effectiveness of stealth without being anything like a perma-stealth build." I'm sure they will, but they'd be silly to not realize that, by abusing stealth, a properly built and geared TR can ONE: 1v2 (or better) anything in PvP with relative…
" Below 50% HP, Shocking Execution gets a 300% damage boost, which can be made better if it were affected by damage boost from debuffs, skills like First Strike, feats such as Overrun Critical and it scoring a Critical Hit with 75% increased Critical Severity via P. Vorp + Brutal Backstab. But go ahead. If it really calls…
I'd invite you to read my 2nd post. We were beating the enemy team, yes, but became too thinly spread. Why do people not understand this? I suppose I'll just give up, as most feedback I'm getting is people insulting me. EDIT: Also, I would have you know, Stalesmoke, that it was a 4man premade with the cleric addition, and…
"Wow retread your post please.. Your complaining about people with epic grade mounts creating imbalance.. Now you want to add augmented companions. Wait for it... Yeah brilliant idea." To this poster, uhh, it's called sarcasm. I agree with OP even though I'm one of the people with a 110% mount, even though said mounts are…
I should add more detail. We were only dominating because we were together, not spread too thin, and playing defense, especially against attempted enemy backcaps. As soon as the cleric started trying to get 1, things started going much worse. Instead of listening to my teammate's advice to just hold the line, he refused…
I really couldn't care any less about the fragments, I've got more than enough ways of making 300k AD to buy my pieces. Hell, even if it was 2m I could pull it off. I've spent 20+ hours in MC, I easily could have raised 2mill+ in that time to buy the shield if it were BoE. Thanks for the wishes of luck.
So Encounter abilities are 100% based on weapon damage and power scales to weapon damage at a linear rate of 1 to 25? I knew the power-weapon damage ratio, I did not realize ALL ABILITIES considered ONLY weapon damage. If that's really true then you're correct. EDIT To clarify what I mean, for example, basically all…
Perhaps it's because I'm on my phone now, but all I see is a listing of longsword weapon data, no dps math. What exactly leads you to believe weapon damage>higher power?
Really? I was under the impression that mail never disappeared. That's some positive news I suppose, but still doesn't deal with the insta-delete issue. Thanks for the reply.