I have a VERY strong suspicion botters are constantly using the login server. I make a motion that we have Cryptic remove the login server for good so we can combat these horrible botters ruining the game.
In all seriousness, I fail to see any reason to bother participating in mod10 in any way. This isn't a job, you're not forced to do anything in this game and you're certainly not missing out on anything by not participating. When was the last time something in Neverwinter made you say, "wow this is fun"? Wanting something…
* No mention of fixing the AH for rangers in the tool bar * No mention of fixing the game stopping bugs/problems with the dungeon queues * No mention of fixing the looting / rolling bug * No mention of added sound to the Gateway and no option to permanently keep it off. * No mention of why there's no option AT ALL to turn…