You are kidding me right? Dota 2 HUGE? You are are joking right? Dota 2 is only the most cheapest game to get out there without a cash shop or anything. In fact I have 30 Dota 2s sitting in my inv on Steam. Dota 2 is not anything. Dota's name maybe big but it certainly isn't big when it comes to profit wise. PW isn't big…
I fully agree and I feel the same way. NW is pretty much a joke. You get to level 60 and it is either completely buy to win or grinding on dungeons for hours on end with excelling very little at a time. And trolling people on a forum isn't a waste of your life? Hm?
Wait, how is limited DD to one a day a good thing? O.o I am strongly against this. =/ I can tell people don't understand why there isn't a chest every time you run the dungeon. o.o It is there because later on during the level 60 epic dungeons if you were to get a piece of epic equipment every time. It would be very very…
If they left they will most likely come back. A lot of people are taking a break from NW till they work out bugs/add new content. I am sure they will come back in a few weeks. :)
That kind of AD? You are joking right? o.O That is $20. In the US $20 is nothing. :/ I am guessing you are under the age of 16 as you apparently think $20 is a fortune. O.O
CWs are supposed to be supports not dps'.... Leave the DPS work to the TRs. :p It isn't that CW is HAMSTER in PvP it is the players playing the CWs think they are some full fledged DPS... So, question for you walk2k have you really played this game? I mean so far you are calling CWs, CCs... lol And TRs rogs... lol... Also,…
Agreed. o.o Some people really need a life. Like seriously? Flaming over comments/suggestions? I swear people pick out posts and attempt to flame at it because they can. If you seriously have to arguing every valid point. You need to go to your local psychiatrist as you require it. As for the thread. I too agree we need…
It is based in US times as that is where the company that made this game is. They go off the same time as the maintenance time zones. I doubt they will open a EU server during open beta. Also, I am sure they are aware of this.
The GF isn't ment to be that bad. There is two bugs dealing with the GF right now. The first one is the GFs shields are not working right. The second is agro is bugged. Clerics get auto-agro when they have things that are supposed to be less agro thus so all the Clerics are becoming tanks but without the build. They are…
You mad bro? LOL Thanks for the laugh I have to say you need to go to therapy if you are getting this worked up over a game. lololol Also, like to throw out there how dumb you are for throwing invalid information out. If you looked at the statistics. f2p games with cash shops make more money. :) Lets not even go into the…
I am not sure what the issue is here. They said it will be fixed in later updates but they are not sure when it will be fixed. They have literally thousands of other bugs more important then this and yet you are complaining because they won't give you a freebie? The question isn't what is wrong with the Devs but what is…
And, what terms and conditions do you think you have to sue them? You do know they haven't done anything in which you can even hold a lawsuit against them and yet you are threatening a lawsuit? I must say it was a pretty hilarious post though. :)
They won't do that either. From what I have overheard (could be complete rumors) they plan on combining all shards into one server during the end of open beta.