I guess if this game is a job to you, more content would be a problem. You want to be at the top of the pyramid in your head. King of the hill as it were. If you just enjoy the game as a game, new content is always welcome. Bring on the new content.
It's a bloody game. Stuff gets devalued all the time in MMOs. It's not a labor union. Length of time you've been in doesn't mean anything, nor should it. If you are not having fun and view it like work, you don't get the point anyway. If you had fun, who cares what other folks can legally get.
If you haven't done anything against the ToS, they can report you until the cows come home. They will probably get in trouble for false reports if anything. Ignore them.
I think it's great. Very little lag for all that's happening on the screen. I have been in a room that beat it once out of 5 or 6 tries on my part. I think the whole thing is designed pretty well. Cryptic has been on the ball fixing issues so far. I can't complain. The times I was in a losing room the two primary factors…
Thanks for the update Strum. I know development cycles take time. You want to test to make sure nothing else breaks, and that's after you find and fix the original problem. I also know that MS has more stringent release criteria. I'd rather they take their time and fix it.
Thanks for the info, Scarabman. Any improvements in this area will be much appreciated. This game has a lot of fans on Xbox. Hopefully you are seeing a return on investment for your port to Xbox.
That's an excellent point. I was in a group last night and one player left (not kicked). The spot stayed open for a bit. Then a string of about 10 players went "so-and-so has joined the group" followed immediately by "so-and-so has left the group". No delay in between those two. The queue definitely can be borked at times.
Apparently, there is a lvl60 skirmish that opens up after you reach a certain point in the campaign. fwiw. As of your current state you are correct though.
You are not alone. Sometimes game chat works and sometimes it doesn't. That said, xbox one has more than its fair share of issues with parties and chat. I wish xbox spent more time on the fundamentals than letting me like someones achievements.
Joined an epic T2 in progress last night. Made my way across the map and just when I saw the group, kicked. They already had a cleric. I'm not sure why they kicked me, but whatever. I got in another epic without problems. Just wish they didn't wait for me to get to them before they kicked me.
It can be abused, but it needs to be there. Otherwise you risk abuse in the other direction which is worse in my opinion.... afk'ers getting the top rewards. If you want to avoid abuse entirely, join a clan and do the dungeons with them.
Definitely some legitimate gripes in the OP, but I still enjoy this game a lot bugs and all. No real game killers for me yet. My main is lvl 60 with a 9k+ gear score and the only thing I have paid for so far is a faster mount. I'm not patient enough to watch a slow running horse. D&D was part of my youth and there is a lot…
As a cleric primary, I often see dps classes not cleaning up ads leaving me running for my life as the aggro on me. As a cleric, your damage score should always dwarf mine. If my healing score is in the millions, you can thank me for allowing your HAMSTER to get that damage score.