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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • think this guy is a troll?
  • Also does not work in the foundry editor.. Can't here any of the music/sounds when selecting them from the list.
  • Correct, the only doors that will open are ones that are created when adding two rooms together. I have not been able to make a door open when adding it to a pre built map. just double click the green conjoined area and select a door on the drop down list. Also, I noticed in your images, that you have a failure text but no…
  • yup, same issue here.. Was working fine up until Dragon crashed.. then the foundry went kaput.
  • That is pretty much exactly how I set mine up, i was wondering if I was missing something.. But i guess a lot of the who creation process is just being as creative as possible with what you want to do.