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  • You guys have clearly done nothing to resolve this issue. This exploit has been going on for weeks on end and grew in drastic popularity over this weekend. The weekend does not cover 7 hours. You have single-handedly ruined your own games economy by doing nothing worthwhile. Good job.
  • I like how they think they can fix this exploit without completing a shard wipe. Also thinking that this will resolve the terribly broken economy. What makes them think they can do that, when Blizzard (a company with vastly more resources than Perfect World and Cryptic combined) couldn't and haven't been able to fix Diablo…
  • They keep saying they haven't decided on the course of action. Which seemingly equates to - they don't know what to do. So instead of trying to fix the problem they've just been gathering account data and sitting around with their thumbs up their butts.
  • I vote just wipe it all. Who cares really? The game is fun enough, I'm willing to start all my 60s over.