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  • Not only am I having trouble with log in the one and only time it finished ALL my toons were GONE!!!
  • Ra's al Ghul L24 Baleful Armor, Far Striding Boots Corsair Sash transmuted to the "Dragon" color.
  • I guess this is as good a place as any, I too have a preview server question. I copied a character and is dressed with an item I can't seem to duplicate visually on the main server . My question, how if possible can I bring that character back to the main server?
  • 200+ post should be enough.
  • When I'm in a Combat-type alter-ego, I don't ask for help and it almost upsets me when someone step in. I need to know my abilities, limitations and if my chosen encounters are what I need in those situations. Though I try to always thank a Cleric for an heals, buffs etc. thrown my way. When I'm using one of my…
  • I cast my vote hoping that some expansion of these items bring more usable combinations of the provided buffs.
  • It has been a long time since my first PnP and my last when the group fell apart. I didn't get involved again until SSIs "Pool of Radiance" PC game. In DDO I played a hybrid ranger/rogue which I enjoyed. The "Pathfinder" from what I've read is a type of soloist taking the "point", finding the best path for travel as the…
  • As I understand it, it's additional range. 89 feet total (80+3x3) as stated in a post from someone' posted build. According to the post, DCs and CWs don't have quite that distance, making them safely targetable in PVP. Stormstep? I believe I've read it's been corrected, perhaps on the preview shard and not live yet. Though…
  • Again, it's who you talk to. Some players can't stand a HR in group, dungeon, or PVP. Many say HRs draw the agro, then don't know how to handle it at that point, making the Party situation difficult. That's just one issue with including a HR in group. Of course there is the other side of the coin too. Some of best…
  • Depends on who you talk to. The players that like the class, LIKE the class. There are those not in favor. Lots of reasons. I think of the class as a TR with no traps skills and weaker armor. Ranged weapon is triple distance of the TR and hits about as hard. Melee is on par with the TR with both hands. One big difference,…
  • A question, <edit> I found my own answer.
  • The hood is the "Cowl of the Glades", end reward for the quest. Quest name unknown, best described as, finding the whereabouts of 4 guides of which 2 are transformed by Valindra, one escaped which you rescue and the guide leader is set free at quest end along with end chest.
  • Just picked one up today at Graveyard. Almost as nice as "Hood of the Wild". Transmuted it and will continue until I get one better.
  • I'll say your vid card, and not an educated guess. Are all the settings at max? downloaded current driver updates?
  • I've tried most settings, and TXAA and MSAA don't seem to have much visual difference using my GeForce 650, though both are crisper than no enhancement. NVIDIA wrote something to the effect that TXAA eliminates(?) an effect where looking at a large patch of grass stops the viewer from seeing smaller patches within the…
  • Yeah Pab, I know what you mean I skipped an entire skills/encounter levels while leveling thinking, "I'd never use those". Many times I've gone back and thought about the article posted introducing the HR, a character designed not for one or the other but a combination of the two, a different play style. Though built as…
  • Good to know. When the Devs made changes there, their description led me to believe that was too far to take the "Hound" and the Beast would return to it's lair.
  • I will agree City zones are to provide security. then again that was "Valindra's" first big push. Yes it was laggy, yes, you could just sit there and spam away. It was an incredible display of "Valindra's" power and vanity. I don't remember the multiple types of first ever seen Mobs being untouchable by almost any level…
  • Not that way! I'd be p****d With my DC I did lure the "Hound ' to a ledge. The "Hound" charged, I dodged, the "Hound" went down into a hole in the terrain unable to get out. With the "Hound" trapped I threw everything I had, surprisingly the still alive "Hound" was able to attack. I did get the "W" and for my troubles, I…
  • Like most, I have a life away from my system and games. Much better reward ratio to grind over the Halloween event where I ran around collecting pumpkins and did nothing else in game. Still ended up without enough pumpkins for the skellie Luckily, the event lasted longer than others and I was able to get ahold of many of…
  • When the HRs first arrived "Shift" was going to be the salvation, having another way to avoid some of the nasty "red circles, rectangles, etc". If "Shift" is working I'm not realizing it because how many other times I'm left standing about to be hammered. As a casual conversation about "Shift" was being passed around the…
  • HRs among others have a "Class" ability to tap the "shift" key and move eight feet to avoid an attack. In the section "Bug Reports" there is a post that mentions "Shift" is not working as intended. Many other people replied to confirm. I went to the winter games and tried "Shift" during a round of "Monsters on Ice".…
  • "The Wilds" is one I can live with. As someone pointed out, not all HRs are about the Wilds. How about the first encounter spell we HRs learn? "Marauder's Run". Saved my bacon about a gazillion times. Though the first one that came to mind making me laugh, "Split the Sky".
  • Like the OP time restrictions have me playing solo and I've put 4 L60s thru this Beast. 2 TRs a DC and CW. My first experience a TR, took 5-7 runs to complete it. As others have mentioned staying mobile is a MUST. When NW was first released many players had difficulty with the "Hound", the forum was full of suggestions,…
  • Not sure what you're doing "ProteusKnight" that's a lot of skellies. My last fishin' hole experience was one attacked me and another dragged by a fellow fisherman who then just stood there and watched the fight..
  • You don't as a rule. they come from the second series of chests. Of course they may also be on AH, priced above what you pull from it. <edit> OK i got confused and this is correct, the resonator is sold to you by Rhix in the market square. the cost is one planor ldol. the idols come from second chest that dropped in NW.…
  • Yes, as you level up you'll pick better and more powerful "encounters, at-will, and daily" powers as they are identified. They can be swapped in to change your arsenal, and of course if you find one isn't working as you'd like, you can change back to what you had before. When you begin to pickup the "Paragon Path" skills…
  • YES, the HR is a great addition to NW. The class has renewed my own interest in NW and tho I know the zones well( 4 L 60s), the HR has made them even more enjoyable. All the previous info is spot on! Couldn't have said it better. Just wanted to add, learn to avoid. HR armor is about the same as a second skin, you will get…
  • All good replies, "wiser" gave good info on the foundry. "Tired of Being the Hero" is a great quest. One thing you'll see other players talk about is "Foundry" allows some quick leveling. Many new HRs obtained L 60 after just a day of Foundry play. So if that's the way you care to go, by all means. From your original post,…
  • "I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key," "I think that we should get together and try them out you see" "I've been looking around the world, you've been looking for me," OH! I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key."