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Using "SHIFT" + Hunter Ranger.

vengefulfuryvengefulfury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2014 in The Wilds
Well first of all i want to say that i only chose HR not just because i found it aesthetically pleasing but also because it's the style of combat that i like in a game (and I've played the cleric way too much in PWI.)

When i first started out, up to about lvl25, i was doing just great and only died once due to not buying health potions. I then thought to myself "Okay so I'm happy with this class, I'm going to make an alt to refine my tactics and skills and to fine tune things."

I've done that but i just seem to suck now for some reason, I've come close to death at least 5 times and maybe it's because i got cocky and self-assured.

I think the main problem is that I'm using the "shift" ability (if it even is that) too much sometimes without even meaning to. I get a red circle around me, i shift out the way twice because sometimes it pulls me back in if i only use it once. I get knocked on my elven derriere because I've ran out of stamina and it just infuriates me, sometimes to the point where i yell "GET THE HELL UP!!!"

I guess i don't get mad at being knocked down i get mad at myself because I'm obviously doing something wrong when it comes to shifting. I read that one needs to only shift once to be effective but sometimes it's just not enough.

The other problem connected to it is that i like to use both long range attacks and melee attacks which, as you know, involves being in close quarters. I just don't think that a HR can be in that sort of situation for very long without using the shift tactic. My girlfriend plays a GWF and she's just taking beatings off these MoB's, I find myself saying "get out of there use shift!" (she's new) but she just ends up using said mobs as golf balls with hardly any damage.

So can somebody please give me some advice on the best way(s) to use shift with a HR (i want to say hybrid)? Do i even need to use shift at all?

Here's what i usually do:
Fire a few split shots to get their attention (this could also be my problem, I've started to build up the split shot)
Time it so that they arrive just as my rain of arrows start to hit down
When they get close i go into melee mode and start to fight them off (sometimes I'll marauder out to use my bow)

From what i can tell it's a combination of not using shift properly and building up the split shot to do more damage rather than just use it normally by clicking once as i used to do.

Post edited by vengefulfury on


  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited January 2014
    I spam dodge/shift on all of my characters.

    So first let me say I have had a lot of issues with the Hunter Ranger dodge/shift mechanic functioning properly. It just doesn't work 100% of the time and I have been able to repeat the results fairly consistently.

    As for dodging in general, yeah you want to dodge. GWF's actually get stronger based on the damage they take (Determination) but even then you want to dodge deadly damage or just readjust during fights.

    On the other hand Hunter Rangers are extremely squishy. I find if I get hit with a single CC splat there is a good chance I will die. So yes, shifting is extremely important and why I get so irritated when it doesn't work correctly.

    As for how to use it: get out of splats, take advantage of the immunity phase in larger splats and reposition in fights. Try to use it as an offensive and defensive mechanic by using it to gain combat advantage as well as avoiding damage.
  • vengefulfuryvengefulfury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I spam dodge/shift on all of my characters.

    So first let me say I have had a lot of issues with the Hunter Ranger dodge/shift mechanic functioning properly. It just doesn't work 100% of the time and I have been able to repeat the results fairly consistently.

    As for dodging in general, yeah you want to dodge. GWF's actually get stronger based on the damage they take (Determination) but even then you want to dodge deadly damage or just readjust during fights.

    On the other hand Hunter Rangers are extremely squishy. I find if I get hit with a single CC splat there is a good chance I will die. So yes, shifting is extremely important and why I get so irritated when it doesn't work correctly.

    As for how to use it: get out of splats, take advantage of the immunity phase in larger splats and reposition in fights. Try to use it as an offensive and defensive mechanic by using it to gain combat advantage as well as avoiding damage.

    I do find myself sometimes thinking "Oooo whilst it's pulling that attack i can shift behind it and throw in a few melee attacks on it!" some MoB's are kinda predictable and seem to pull the same set of attacks, especially that Orc Warden.

    Sometimes it's hard though especially in small rooms which is where i seem to struggle the most i just seem to end up with my back against a wall because I've ran out of stamina and they've rushed me. I often try to lead them away to a larger room where I'd have more control and freedom to move around and use scenery/pillars to flank them.

    Some magic attacks are just hard to evade though, they propel something at you and it homes in on you like a missile even if you evade it. I've only been able to avoid it once xD
  • jarebla1051jarebla1051 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited January 2014
    When the HRs first arrived "Shift" was going to be the salvation, having another way to avoid some of the nasty "red circles, rectangles, etc".

    If "Shift" is working I'm not realizing it because how many other times I'm left standing about to be hammered. As a casual conversation about "Shift" was being passed around the "Winter Festival", I took it upon myself to check "Shift"again. I went into "Monsters on Ice" and drew as much agro as I could.

    "Shift" DID NOT work once.

    As an assist to the OP, I use the "S" key where I jump backwards when the strike is small and only need a few feet. Of course I do and you too could hit "W" as well and go forward, backwards is trying to keep a safer distance

    "Marauders Run", the ole "Q" key, is my handy b*** saver. Used that about a gazillion times.

    That's my resolve for "Shift"
    "One Riot, One Ranger" **

    Deuce HR L 60 Archer Build+Melee
    Bow Expert
    Blade Proficient

    (**Motto of the Texas Rangers, 1823-Present. Dept. of Public Services, State of Texas)

  • valwrynvalwryn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,620 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I always keep my pinky on the shift key for all characters. The Ranger took alot of practice to get the dodge timing right. The Stamina gets sucked up too fast so you''re only good for 2-3 quick dodges. I grown into relying on Fox Cunning and Forest Ghost to help me dodge all the mobs the dungeons can throw.

    Now the mobs got smarter and throw run stripes and circles over the whole playing field.....Oh the Horror!!! :mad:
  • sigwald01sigwald01 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I love the HR but coming from a GWF "squishy" is now my middle name:) My GWF sends heal pot care packages routinely.

    I still have a lot of L2P HR to do but I try to get rid of the smaller faster critters first as you can often use regular moves to move away from the big baddies if you're temporarily out of AP for shifting. I've found using split shot twice then marauders escape then all ranged encounters and/or split shot again will often leave me with just the big dudes to deal with and after popping all melee powers, use regular moves then to await AP accumulation.

    Does my post even address the OP's issue?...er, maybe not sorry. I agree though that it seems like sometimes you shift/dodge feeling all ninja like until you look down at a half depleted health meter...
    Volaticum Letum
  • kazexkumokazexkumo Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2014
    if mobs crowding me. i will shift once when there's red. then marauder escape. it works a lot. but not always, some mobs with stuns sometimes can get me. Like in DK. I m hybrid HR too.
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