I haven't had an extended play session since last week or so, personally the game doesn't have enough to hold my attention even in the casual sense. I'm not sure what entirely turned me away from it, but I can say the recent issues with the exploits etc hasn't helped the matter at all. I'd log in with intention to play,…
He means open world, as in you leave a main city, and can literally walk to your next destination. NW and ARPG's are generally highly instanced with smaller levels/dungeons, and in turn has a smaller player per instance count. "wow" style, EQ, Ultima, etc.. are all open world type games where you can just wander around the…
FFXIV isn't all that great, there's already better games out now that do more than it currently does. Wildstar looks really interesting, I do like the attitude and openness that the developer has had lately regarding the game. TESO is too much of a question at the moment. They haven't shown any raw game footage yet (other…
The only way to ensure that all exploiters, illegal AD and items are taken care of is via a full wipe, with full fix instituted. All Zen purchased via real money would be refunded back to the Zen wallet. I posted in another thread that the ToS has a provision specifically for this type of issue.…
The ability to actually search the AH via level range To define auction listings on whether they're buyout or not Camera Zoom Notice how all 3 of these items should be standard?
the funny thing is that not more than 5 minutes after posting that, my lv. 42 helm I got off the Ah was a mask like I was looking for, lol I normally don't enable the helms in MMO's, I prefer to see my characters hair/face since I spent time creating her, but the mask is nice because it covers up my Half orcs tusks, which…
Where are people finding the ninja-like face masks and other head gear? I have yet to find anything that doesn't look like the terrible cowboy hat with a mask.
Well, I won't get into a huge discussion on another game, but after leveling a zerk and slayer to max level etc..etc.. the slayers attack, while still slower than a GWF, is still considerably faster than you may think/remember. I was able to do full combo rotations with no pause in animation (around 1.0 or less atk speed).…
Yes, he found us out.. our "Crash other peoples games" skill has been discovered!! Quick, use smokebomb to disappear! Ooooor... You can get a better machine than your Ti-81 to play Neverwinter.
I remember reading somewhere on these forums that putting points in str + cha and ignoring dex would give overall better numbers. I've been stacking stats in those two rather than dex and have had pretty good success, although, I'm only at lv. 40, not 60.
I think I read somewhere that ranger was to be next, don't quote me on that, and I can't find the interview that I read it at (it was a while back). More than likely it'll be a striker class and a ranged class (since currently we only have 1 striker class, and only 2 ranged classes, which both are magic using, so a…
I'm not exactly sure how they do the formula, whether it takes the stats/dmg from both weapons into account for each strike, or if the offhand is dealt with separately in the at-will attacks (i.e. first strike is MH, second is OH, etc..). But having an offhand does improve damage and strikes.
Overall the models and textures aren't exactly high quality, but it *is* a F2P game. But whoever designed the tophat/mask thing that rogues seem to get, should get smacked. Seriously, that's a terrible design no matter what class you are. I think I'm just spoiled by games like GW2 and Tera among others where the art team…
I think Cryptic's view of "endgame" is the foundry dungeons that you and your friends can make rather than the content delivery that other MMO's (specifically WoW) has relied upon with Raids etc. Which I think fits with the D&D theme pretty well, although I don't think there's much in the way of quest rewards other than…
As mentioned several times before: According to 4E D&D ruleset; Fighter is a defender class. TR is the only striker in this game atm, once the ranger is introduced, then we'll have another striker to compare to. Too many people are stuck the the traditional MMO conventions where all "dps" classes should be equal. Do GWF…
Rogue first (was thinking GWF, but due to the lackluster performance that I've been reading/watching I'll hold off for now), not sure on race, I'm thinking Tiefling or Human... I generally play female characters, and I don't know if a female half orc would look cool or not. lol. After rogue, probably CW