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  • The problem with not letting people in to try the game sooner is that they may get frustrated and loose interest in Neverwinter and spend their money on other games. If they really want to sell the packs, they should include everyone asap so that they can get the money before people move on to the next MMO beta.
  • Waterdeep because it it was one of the first D&D cities that I got to explore both paper and in the video game of the same name. I has so much fun exploring both the city and the surrounding lands and sea coast :-).
  • Good luck on that one... :)
  • You can buy more slots through the cash shop, but for right now $60 will get you 1 more slot while $200 will get you 3 more slots.
  • That would be nice as I would also love to have a friendship beta key, however I about 99.9999% positive that those with the friendship keys have already either given them to friends or they know someone already that they are going to give it to. But it's a nice idea thread... :-)
  • Those are for zen coins... are the astral diamonds equivelent in value? I know you can buy zen coins with real cash, so what will the exchange rate be for diamond to zen be?
  • The Astral Diamond probably won't go very far if they use the same conversion rate that theyused in Blacklight: Retribution. The in-game items in the store were so over priced that it was basically a joke. Hopefully they will sell stuff at a resonable price in the game.
  • Sorry your right, Astral Diamonds... I couldn't remember the name for some reason and zen currency was the only other one I could think of. Maybe after the first beta weekend, someone can post some screen shots (if possible) of some on the in-store items and prices...
  • Have the Devs said what the in-game store prices will be yet? I know with Blacklight: Restibution the store prices for ingame items was rediculously high. Looking at the amount of zen crystals that the founders get makes me think that the prices will be the same and if that IS true, then the ingame cash you get won't be…
  • does anyone know what the store prices for the in-gameitems will be yet? I know from past experience with Blacklight Retribution the store items were very expensive so the in-game cash that a Founder gets may not go as far as one would think if they use that same pricing model for Neverwinter Nights as they do for other…
  • ok here's my stupid question... why should I spend $200 on a game that hasn't come out yet? If they want me to spend that kinda money (for me that would be 8 months worth of spending money for me since my family and I live on my disability payments and I only get $30 a month for my personal spending), shouldn't they give…