there should not be a huge disconnect between pvp and pve. there is no reason both cant be done. its stupid to say that one should decide at the begining of the game what one wants to do. thats just stupid. thats very limiting. why should one only get to enjoy half the game per character? why am i expected to know how to…
it does make zero sense that the most expensive mount is cheaper than the cost of upgrading a lower one. i mean why can i get a 110 mount for for only a few dollars more than the 50 or 80, but if i have a 50 and i want it 110, its like 60 dollars to upgrade? thats insane. i use an 80 that i would like to upgrade, but i…
i attempted this myself with my own email and a brand new email and i got this error. "Someone already has that username. Note that we ignore periods and capitalization in usernames. Try another?" it doesnt work that way. the accounts are safe. no need to spread misinfo.
i have been taking a break fro DC Universe online, the executive producer and dev team are very interactive on their forums and other ways, hell i ran a raid with the executive producer once. they can make clear statements without giving things away. and a dev can make it clear they are expressing an opinion without it…
so the armor penetration is more important than crit? i have been focusing on the former as it seemed right. i tried to run a foundry, but nothing happened. so much stuff to figure out.
good luck. they wont do anything to fix anything. you need to make sure you dont have any virus, malware or other malicious software on your pc and then you need to change your pass and if you can, your email address i dont remember if you can or not. i dealt with this on FW.