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  • I'm looking for room/raw geometry pieces, not outdoor detail pieces. specifically, i'm looking for the set pieces I know exist in Neverwinter, but don't know if they exist in the foundry. A picture example of such a piece would be http://imgur.com/9pRmrsx . Again, I am NOT requesting whether the Hotenow ruins pieces exist,…
  • the way to get an npc to 'attack' is to disguise an encounter with their costume; once the conversation is done (or however you wish to trigger it), you make the npc disappear and make the encounter (dressed as them) appear instead. To dress an encounter, select and place an appropriate encounter. then use the... um...…
  • I have always seen dark magic as more a allegory for the darker side of human nature when faced with easy, or fast 'power' so I generally don't consider 'dark' magic to be inherently evil in most cases, even necromancy. Try this analogy: Think about a gun. It is designed to kill other people from its inception; whether or…
  • I have no clear story for my control wizard at this time. However, I vaugely remember there being Myth Drannor and Cormyr backgrounds for the neverwinter character. How do mages of Myth Drannor access magic, if there is a uniform method? How do Cormyrian Warwizards do the same, again, if there is a uniform method?
  • Thank you, siderax, that was exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. If anyone knows or can point me to more details though, by all means.
  • Ah. While similar, that is not what I'm looking for. To be clearer, if I was to, for instance, create a backstory about some control wizard, I would need to know how Forgotten Realm's magic works. While entertaining, a similar situation from Dragonlance will not give me the requisite background information I desire. To put…
  • Same situation? I don't follow.
  • Ah, thank you, something I can sink my teeth into. You wouldn't happen to remember where that was revealed? Might want to poke it myself for details. Have these 'other methods' at accessing raw magic been described anywhere? Can you describe this Old magic? Guessing this is what Mystryl or however you spell that taught. Or…
  • I thank you for the information, but this isn't exactly what I needed; I know the weave is dead, and with it arcane magic as the previous editions knew it. I'm asking what replaced the weave? When a control wizard casts a spell, in 4e, what are they doing, and how are they doing it? it's not manipulating the weave or…