It's more an oversight that can be fixed in a minute by the level designer by tweaking the collision volumes. Fact is, this is the kind of things that is probably going to be fixed last, when they'll start polishing the game, unless it's becoming too frequent. You can submit a ticket indicating "Stuck Character" as the…
Well, that's not a bug, this works as intended. The game's simply downloading the zone and caching it locally. By doing it "as needed" new users aren't forced to download a zillion of GB for the first play, and the devs are free to update a zone and only force its update when the client really needs it. This way quest…
Aaaand, the Foundry! So many articles about it on the magazines, it's so bug free it's incredible! :D No, seriously now, the updates are frequent, I suppose/hope they're going to release a MegaPatch soon, with all the improvements we've requested. :) Keep up with the good job, the game is as great, but there's a big room…
The admin ambisinisterr said: Here: So, there's little to debate. It's live open beta, but in any case people complaining about the product *DID* accept the Open Beta Terms of Use. Even if only the minority…
Well, at least a "we're currently working on all the issues you've found, but here's what we can fix at the moment, be patient" would actually have been nice to read ;) I'm not losing the faith, but single-line updates are, well... I don't know. Please surprise us with the next patch! ;)
I'm pretty sure there's lot on the to do list, I hope the various respec bugs (Foundry and ingame) got some priority ;) Being able to mark a custom foundry module as "private" to test it ingame would be great! (also with no XP or drops, it's just for testing purpose). Keep up with the good work!
UPDATE: Latest patch says that: Yet, the problem is still here. Note that the number of spent points, the number of *apparently*assigned power slots in the interface do not match (5 vs 11), and the fact that dragging the just bought daily power to the appropriate slot results in red cross to appear. This means: for some…
Same here... I opened a ticket (#130509-004011) and a topic, here: FOUNDRY-Respec-is-impossible-Stuck-with-a-character-without-powers Oh my, I was stuck with this bug, if you really fixed it, I'm in love, only a few days from the ticket! :o :o :o Thank you! EDIT: Nope, it's still here... *SOB* Note that the number of spent…
Yes, that would be useful especially when you have lots of NPCs with similar dialogues. (but remember: you can always build cross-linked responses from within the dialogue editor. That's a different thing, I know, but many people don't know they can just drag the arrow below the bubble to do that) I'd also like to have…
It... works like that for me too, sometimes. Now I'm stuck with a level 10 testing char with 2 at-will powers and nothing more. I can't tell if the module is balanced or not for solo playing in this situation, and to make everything worse, most people is experiencing a lot of issues to publish the modules :( I'm still…
I submitted a ticket, but maybe I submitted it to the wrong support section, I'll try again This is what I got: *** REMOVED since it seems against the forum rules to post the content of support ticket. ...of course you *can't* change instance while testing in the foundry. /KillMe (not /kill me) seemed to have at least…
Oh, I'm not alone then. So, well, it is more likely to get fixed if it's well known! ;) This seems like a major bug to me, I'm surprised it hasn't been fixed/reported so far! I've seen screenshots of people being able to actually access the character creator to build a character from scratch, but I suppose those came from…
+1 for cutscene objects (create object->Camera_Cutscene, choose kind of zoom, choose target, choose animation to play) +1 to configurable aggro radius and monster customization. I can also think of new behaviors: "Flee" - the actor will flee and fade after a given time/trigger. "Friendly" - the actor will engage in combat…
Thanks for your answer :) I still don't see how a "live open beta" is different from an "open beta" other than having that "have faith, we're getting close!" feel, but I was still very curious about that little detail. The game evolved from closed beta to open beta and then "soft launch" in about a week, that was fast! :)…
A few more ideas after this evening's session: * 1-way teleporters, deactivable teleporters * Raise the limits of sounds/encounters * More variables to be added runtime to the dialogues. [Nickname] isn't just enough. * Copied and pasted instances when in 3D shouldn't inherit the player's rotation but keep the original one.…
+1 to these. Where's the karma system here? :D I'd also add: When we make a loop(link) inside a dialogue, we'd also like to be able to EASILY break it, without having to do weird and unnecessary drag&drops to remove the link!
Sometimes the "handle" is offsetted a bit, you should try to look around. Also, when you're too far from the object you can't interact with it. I'll add those to my personal wish list, the item positioning is way too awkward for a 3d editor :P
I can't test it now (server is down), and I've never tested if visibility conditions set directly on the Encounter Components (the actual enemies) do work or not. You should probably set the visibility condition under the Encounter settings and not under the Encounter Details settings (press 1-2 to switch from one to the…
You *can* actually make something happen when an encounter dies. You can make something visible by setting its visibility "appears" condition to Element Completed->Choose the Encounter. I'd love to see:* Repeatable Actions/Triggers At the moment we can play with the visibility of each element, but there are too many…
I definitely agree. A few maps need to be rated with specific feedback (unfinished) Maybe something went wrong and made the module impossible to finish. Maybe and encounter is too hard. The creator needs to know that, so that he can improve a module even without requiring someone to finish it every time. A "send feedback"…
Duh, just don't overdo please. If it's a good module you could end up punishing the module developers out there! Maybe add... a multiplier? First time that you play a module in a day you get full exp second time only 90%, third 80% and so on, until maybe you reach 50%. Next day you can play again that module with full exp…
I was about to complain about this bug, that happens occasionally when Drag&Dropping something from the right pane, but thanks for sharing this temporary workaround. Anyway, same here, can't log to the Foundry, hopefully they're working on addressing this issue as well! ;)