GWF needs better CC than TRs. Why? no ranged attack, no stealth (can get to a CW while taking no damage), no on demand CC immunity (dodge, impossible to catch), no 80' gap closer strike + slowdown. GWF also need reliable damage, AKA at-will damage, the pvp sword have an average hit of 820 add on that +150-160 from power…
I disagree. I play both a GF and GWF and the only upside of the GWF is more time of CC immunity, I don't think its crazy to expect similar levels of control and more damage than a GF as a GWF. If you compare feats like disciple of strength 6% for GWF 15% for GF/TR and other victims of the BW4 nerf this class seems a long…
I find the GWF "buffs" incredibly underwhelming my GF cleave does 900 ish damage my GWF wicked strike does 700 ish (on the preview) and does have a harsh diminishing return for multiple targets. GWFs needs more damage, more control and mobility. damage needs a 2.5x buff across the board not a meager +10% on some at-wills…
yet is one of the best GWF skills for pvp, i use mostly to escape focus or disrupt the enemy sitting on a AS so my team can focus the cleric. I mean its probably the only skill that can't be easily interrupted.
a lot of PR BS and they themselves said class balance is their very last on the to do list. Reading that, I'll just play something else while they fix, if I'm still interested at that point.
pray, manage my crafting minions, fail at the foundry(which sucks btw), summon all the cynicism required to do the pvp dailes, not even bother with the pve dailies. Great day.
1.I think it would be great to arm, customize powers, friedly/neutral/hostile status and stats of npcs so you could build wave defenses and keep assaults without the fail that is the guard encounter. 2. customize npcs bound to encounters in a similar way. 3. dialogue between npcs (chat bubbles/animation events).
i line up and get very close to the 1st dummy so the 2nd is within range, hit 3 times and the 4th deals damage to both ( easier to see when it crits, since most debuffs happen on crits).
the 2nd dummy have to be in range and in a perfect line. im on the dragon server if you want i can go with you and you can see while i apply damage and debuff stacks with SS to 2 dummies at the trade of blades. why would there be an aoe diminishing returns if there is no aoe?
i have several ways i could suggest cryptic to change the GWF, from atributes, powers, feats to several ideas for new paragon classes. I refuse to do so while they don't release formulas for how damage of at-wills, encounters and dailies(among other hidden stats) are calculated to the community. now do me the courtesy of…