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  • All the last feats sems pretty sucky and in strenght are comparable to normal feat. They should boost them all, alot. In example: The first tree (I dont even remember the name of it, its so unpopular here lol) could give something like +50% damage when an ally near you die. Last 10 seconds and dont wanish if you get hit.…
  • Why not make it the best way there is. First respec is free. Second respec 15 ardent coins, 3rd 30 coins, 4th 45 coints etc up to 100 coins. That will hurt people who are excesivly not thinking about what they are doing, but will not impact people who did mistake once, because they didnt know much about game mechanics. I…
  • The game is FREE is not an valid argument at all. The people who would pay are the people who are buying from cash shop, but they spend more money than if the game was B2P in most cases. So income increases. The people who play for free would probably not pay, thus they wouldnt even exist in b2p version of the game. But if…
  • OPEN BETA in today times mean that: We are rushing our game so there will be tons of bugs, unbalance issues and other problems, but we want to already earn money from unfinished product. Lets call it open beta test, people will think its test so its alright to have all the problems it have while we can start earning money.…
  • Like OP wrote, threat table is messed up, thats first problem. Second is the mark duration wanishing after getting hit, they should remove that from marks and make them last set amount of time. And most important, GWF need hude fixes in every field.
  • This game need CC diminishing effect, otherwise the PVP will be always <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Thats a basic mechanic in any game, and if some game dont have it you can guess what quality is the product you are playing.
  • The game is pay2win, even site that review MMO's write that openly about neverwinter online. Thats nothing new, you either accept that or not. The problem will never wanish in this game, its just decision of the publisher and devs to make it so from the start, before the game even started production. Anyway this game gonna…
  • I still dont know how resistance can go on minus, unless someone did bug out the calculation. What do I mean by that? If GWF got -45% defense debuff, we still leave out 55% of defense on enemy. Same goes for resistance (ArP) and any other mitigation reducing effect. The calculation thought can be done in two ways, first…
  • I will take 5% critical damage any time over 1% crit rate. The simple thing is, 1% rate is easy to get via critical rate from gear, DEX points and other feats/abilities. Where the feat with critical dmg is the only thing that can increase it, well if you go half orc (like me) you get additional +5% critical damage from…
  • They will likely give free respec for everybody when they implement new paragon patches. The reasoning is that current feats dont even support anything outside of current paragons, so they will need remodeling and adding new stuff. If they do so, they are changing what you are using and if thats the case, the…
  • Yeah deflection is calculated after reduction of damage. You get hit, then its reduced by DR, then its rolled for deflect, so 50% DR more. I am more interested to where to get deflection severity, as GWF I dont have even 1 skill that increase it, didnt see gear that increase it either. But getting deflection severity with…
  • If something use chainmail and two handed sword (and possibly axe in future as 2nd paragon path) it should be slow, clumsy a bit, but do the hardest hits, and if it hits it should send mobs flying. Thats how two handed weapon style works in most of game, a striker with higher armor/hp in exchange of the defensive side of…
  • There is no point to flame guys, all we need is constructive criticism here and calculations. Also note that I didnt mean to state that Sentinel is higher damage than Destroyer spsc, all I wanted to point is that its not far from similar DPS. Since some skills have poor descriptions, its really hard to say with one is the…
    in gwf Comment by h3rflik May 2013
  • I like the sentinel tree the most ,it actualy give lot of DPS even comparing to destroyer tree. The only thing I would like to know is the exact boost of the last feat for destroyer, how much determination it actualy give comparing to not having it. Anyway sentinel tree got one of best DPS traits, with is joke in some way.…
    in gwf Comment by h3rflik May 2013
  • Defensive GWF maybe wont be so bad. The damage reduction sems nice while you can have like 5% base +15% master at arms + 5% reflex (first lower feat in sentinels pool) + 15% bravery = 40% deflection chance. With a bit of deflection stats it would be not hard to reach point where 50% of hits do only 50% of the damage. I…
  • Its possiblity that the abilities work but they dont display changes in stats. Like somebody wrote, the biggest pain for me is having really bad descriptions in skills for a D&D game. We should know everything about what we pick, every little detail. Display bug + not working skills + bad description = perfect way to block…
  • Your calculations are a failure. Take 1000 people, 90% of them will quit since they dont want to play <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with is P2W. 100 people left where 75% of them will be the paying people. So 75 out of 100 will buy it from cash shop, add to that the 25 of rest with 1% chance and no life, maybe 80 out…
  • Hehehehe those replies here are funny as .... no comment. If something is killer class it dont mean it should have most kills, specialy if the game is balanced and skill based. In example if you got 3 HP and deal 3 DMG (striker) vs 9 HP and 1 DMG (tank) you will end up with same time to kill enemy, since one can take more…
  • They will give free respecc to everyone when 2nd paragon path will go live. They must do it, otherwise it would just prove how bad the company is. Why they will give it for free to everyone? Few simple reasons: 1) Pargon choice should be here from start, its joke to have no choice in it, when clearly its basic mechanic of…