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  • Well the game is already past its first few weeks, so most players are lvl 60 and have very high-end gear... Very few people do T1 dungeons, and those that do are 99.99% new players, meaning that they will use the Group Finder for it. I've done a few T1s for fun, mainly to help new players, by queueing outside of DD, and…
  • You also get a recipe to make more Unstable Potions, and that's it. The experiment task indeed no longer shows up once u unlock everything.
  • Well spider just has one simple trick to it...yes you can try to DPS-race it if you have 2 12k+ DPSers...OR you can be smart about it. When she starts the heal channel (you see mobs stopping/red circles appear under them, etc.) push the mobs out of those circles. This will stop her from healing from those mobs. Now while 1…
  • Well I checked everything I could check, I think there was something with my Windows security. I reinstalled the game and the problem was fixed (a bit annoying, but at least it works now). It might be something with Windows 8, I try to keep its security systems active to be safer. Hope this is a rare bug only...
  • Let me dispel the rumour that the dungeons don't drop PvP armor and weapons. They do, T1 (Fardelver) drops T1 gear, including T1 PvP. T2 (Dwarf King) drops T2 gear, including T2 PvP. As far as I've seen, they don't mix like normal dungeons (Dwarf King does not drop T1, only T2), which is pretty good. Also, the TR PvP T2…
  • Great guide, been using a few elements in my own Perma-Stealth build. I've tried soloing Dread Vault btw, but the mobs in the end-boss room can see through stealth, so no dice. And you need to use the GM report system to get out, which is annoying... Using the PvP T2 set is pretty cool tho, the 5% dmg is rather nice and…
  • I have to agree with the above posters, why 9200 in particular? If you want to rush getting into Castle Never, then let me tell you right now that with a 9.2k gear score you will never find a decent group who can go past the first boss (at most). As in any RPG, you either go do content for items...or in this particular…
  • In my opinion, Gauntlgrym had 3 BIIIIG issues: 1). non-balanced map; one instance can have 50 players on one side and 20 on the other 2). the 20v20 can't be done as Guild VS Guild (which would be cool) 3). the system was not at all solid: huge lag, lots of D/Cs On the day of the release my guild had 20 ppl armed and ready…
  • Great idea for the game, amazingly bad idea for the company...how strange hehe I've never purchased gear from the AH, but still have the best and most expensive items out there. Which makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. However, since people enjoyed pumping out hundreds of dollars to avoid doing the actual content (I…
  • The big problem is that in many games the difference in skill level between players is so huge that it is nearly impossible to determine what is "impossible" without it being utterly impossible (u get 1-shot by everything as soon as you aggro it). e.g. currently in Neverwinter, many people complain that the difficulty of…
  • I don't care much about Gear Score, but I do care about gearing (the ability to inspect other people's gear). If someone tries to join my group, he might have 999 million gear score, but if his stats are crappy or pointless (1500 armor pen. clerics), then I'll kick him there and then. Otherwise, GS and "experience" is only…
  • Phase 1: use dodge as posted above to avoid the wing flap, otherwise just move while the boss is in any attack animation. Phase 2: only 1 cast of hands at a time, it does not follow you perfectly (e.g. if u are under the boss you never get hit), try to simply move a bit not to get hit Phase 3: double-hands cast, they track…
  • Wonder if there will ever be a game where people don't either complain because things are too difficult or that things are too easy...probably not... If you don't want to run multiple clerics in a dungeon (for some psychological reason), get more control (CWs, GFs that know how to play). Gear in this game is highly…
  • The Feast of the Moon and the Reign of Misrule.
  • Now, to take a break from all the useless trolling (sad people)... I wish they'd realize that their economy is 99.99% reliant on the AH. Since you cannot trade/mail AD, the only trading I see so far in game is bartering for Keys (funny commodity), and a bit of Gold trading. Might be time to realize that the system needs…
  • If you are max level and don't care about the XP, only the AD...and you are just going to sleep (for some 8 hours), then you would choose the rare one clearly. It is just there to fill in that gap. For leadership, it seems like 50% of missions fill in the extra time slots, and only the other 50% are actually useful from a…
  • Level 60 injury kits cost 20 silver each. And you can expect to use up a few each dungeon run (while PUGing or doing harder dungeons). Potions are also fairly expensive and you burn fast through them. Thing is, at level 60, only by doing dungeons you can't really get gold. Unidentified green items sell for about 1 silver,…
  • Would be fun if we could get a notice for any rollback or wipe please. I wouldn't mind taking advantage of this whole situation to test out some gear builds and such (as long as I know I'm not risking anything). You guys could also post a 999999999999 Zen for AD exchange so people can respec a few times and test out the…
  • The change from T1 to T2 doesn't add too much in GS, but it does add a bit. It might be that you had the first runed and the second without runes. If not, then report it as a bug (never heard of it tho). From what you say your gear is, you should be at 10k+ (full T2 with rank 6 runes or better should put you over 11k).…
  • 1). I'd rather not, then people could just kick PUG members and invite guildies just as the last boss dies or smthg. Seen it happen in tons of MMOs. Maybe disable the *kick* feature, then implement the *invite* idea. 2). People who **** the queue by keeping the party open and kicking players until they get whatever class…
  • Would be great if you could add the FULL set stats, for comparison purposes, and put it all in a table. People usually just think of the bonuses, and that "OMG T2 is better than T1 because of the number!! So I must spend 999999k AD to upgrade". Which is far from it, it is usually far better to get other items first before…
  • I'd call that "pay to skip the gear grinding". Mounts are, however, annoying. I agree that there should be some more limitations. It is more than simply capping faster, it is also about escaping (since you can summon a mount in 0.1 sec), and you can't chase with a lower speed mount, the difference is enough to put one out…
  • Always funny to see a post full of raging. So for new people who stumbled upon this post and got scared: if you are playing to have a good time, everything that is written here is useless and pointless. If you like the lore/setting/action-combat/group content, everything is still FREE, not broken, perfectly accessible.…
  • It works, crit severity is not capped at 80. Which is why it is the most expensive enchant...
  • I'm not 100% sure how Armor Penetration affects damage, so I can't say 1 is better than the other with certainty. However, low level mobs (until the 40-50+ zones) have little armor, so their mitigation might not be that amazing. I doubt armor pen is a clear cut % to damage (that is what power is for), so it relates to the…
  • Solo: - stealth makes mobs stand still, abuse that and kill everything; - Lurker's Assault (daily) makes you stay at least 10 seconds in invisibility (but you can stealth -> wait for it to run out -> Lurker -> keep DPS even after it has ended, you should be at a full bar that needs to run out) which should be enough to…