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  • Imagine you are the game studio - what is the best way of fixing the problem? If they do an entire wipe - many will complain If they do a small rollback - many will complain If they do nothing - many will complain Do you see the pattern here? I think that this was the 'lesser of all evils' Doing nothing is clearly a…
  • worst idea ever...I'm a GF and I didn't exploit - why should I have to suffer? As I said in the previous patchnote thread - thank you for these changes One of my largest issues right now that no one else has raised is the fact that leaders can kick from dungeons instantly. I completely understand the need to kick people -…
  • Hey buddy - I completely agree with you, there are issues that MUST be addressed (like repercussions for the exploiters, threat etc.) All I'm saying is that - people need to recognize that good work was done here in 24 hours - so at the very least say "thanks for the changes but can you please try to fix X next?"
  • Guys come on... It was YESTERDAY where they put up 1 patch note and everyone complained about 3 issues - the GF damage, pvp AFK, and the way the economy is dying. Today they come out with patchnotes that address these issues that the community raised. Instead of going "what about this issue" say "awesome, thanks for…
  • Use Iron Warrior and watch the magic happen
    in Block Meter Comment by grayho May 2013
  • "Another idea for changing the tab all together is to have an enhanced-block, brace for reduce damage mitigation from every direction, but can't attack while active. Drains your block meter over time, hold to turn it on and release. " I enjoy this idea - but I enjoy the mark we already have SOLEY for pulling a small pack…
  • yeah those aren't necesarily 'bots' - but rather just regular people who AFK to lose matches, get some glory to then buy their PvP gear.
    in Bots in PVP Comment by grayho May 2013
  • sirkimjong Yeah I completely agree with you, maybe a one time purchase - or like a monthly limit of 5-10$ is fine (if you really want) but their pricing is totally messed for it to be a constant thing. If they brought it down to a reasonable - or even better a generous amount - I think lots of people would be WAY more…
  • I think he means regular chests - and they are much harder to come by. I have seen few - but I can't possibly tell you where they were, was awhile ago. Typically only in dungeons. Aside from that, the regular chests are largely useless - the chance of ever getting a blue is really low, and a purple? almost unheard of. Just…
  • Not to like pick a fight or anything - but is it reallllllllly important? Can you realllllly not take the extra 3 seconds to log out and then back in? This game hasn't been out for that long at all, and there are MUCH more pressing issues that -IMO - hold precedent over very small issues like the one you have raised. Maybe…
  • Hey buddy, I don't really know - but I'll tell you that I have the same concern haha. At the start of lvl 60, I was so excited to farm for stuff to put on AH to get AD to buy that epic stuff...but just a few hours of PvP-ing I got all the PvP gear (which is really good for my tank spec) - and now I have approx 500k AD from…
  • I apologise, not to be rude - but I did not understand your statement. I understand your first part - that the cleric forum has a post about a possible bug - but the rest lost me. Can you please elaborate so that I may make sense of it? I would like to hear what your opinion is. Sorry bub! :<
  • Thank you friend :)
  • Now that I see I spelt that wrong that bothers me too, sorry buddy haha!
  • oioleihihu Well I understand that you didn't want to read my wall of text - completely understandable ;) I'll try to make this short. I didn't say 'nerf the dps' - hell give them more PvE damage! Also the group I played in was great - the adds were too rediculous. I just think that the classes don't feel ENTIRELY the way…
  • korv0x I see your point that getting a 12k crit and only having (for example 20k hp) would be a huge problem. To me, a 'well balanced pvp' has a 'rock, paper, scissors' element. Aka a rogue vs rogue does paltry damage, whereas a (for example) GWF is the bane of them, and a GF wrecks a GWF, and the CW kills the GF, and the…
  • steppenkat While I personally do not have any experience with the GWF, my brother plays that class (and I watch/ party with him all the time) I notice that typically he is second or third on the damage meter at the end of the dungeon. Which is pretty good, but after playing the T2 dungeon, while I have no facts for this…
  • Oh no I totally get what you mean, but I don't think you fully understand how little damage I do. That being said, yes for PvP it would be rediculous if I had THAT much HP - I would never die. So clearly for PvP it would need to be altered for that. I think a lot of PvP needs to be altered - for example enchantments and…
  • Njgreen123456, well thank you then haha! :D Yeah, playing as a GF, I'll tell you that ALL clerics I've seen they use the same few skills - mega mass healing (sorry I don't know the names lol, never played cleric), weaker regen healing, the ball you throw on your enemies so you heal when you hit them, and the little ward…
  • It does get better later on, my brother plays GWF and he does quite a lot of AOE damage - but still rouges do too much damage for him to fully compete - usually he is second on the damage meter at the end of a dungeon. If you enjoy the idea of the GWF, I'd say stick with it and just ignore other classes, focus on having…
    in gwf Comment by grayho May 2013
  • Edgeofthorns79, I completely agree with you, especially the part about it being a mental thing. When I saw a mount in game I thought "**** that's pretty sweet" and then a split second later I thought "that person spent approx 30-40 bucks on that..." and get this like 'ehh..' feeling. I love the game, I think the combat is…
  • Lol, can't tell if trolling or not (seems like it) - but if not thank you friend! :)
  • I'm a 60 GF, 8600 GS I use AT WILL Threatening Rush and tide of iron PASSIVES The shield buff (forget what its called) and enhanced mark ENCOUNTERS The dash one, Enforced threat, and EITHER the one that negates 50% damage from my alies (for trash mobs) OR Iron Warrior (for the bosses) Basically I just go up to a pack, use…