Its not nearly as much gear score as it is class. For example, I kick tanks in Spider dungeon, hunters warlocks in all dungeons etc etc. Just depends on what will make the dungeon easiest.
Character Name: Grant Class: Cleric Level: 60 Gear Score: 10.5, full t2 Time Zone: west coast -8 Age: 23 Neverwinter Experience: played PC, cleared all but castle never boss when the game first released. Done all but never and vault on xbox so far Other Gaming Experience: tons of MMO experience as well as gaming in…
What's Your Character Class and Level: currently a 8600 60 cleric Your Timezone: Seattle based, PST Your Age or Maturity: 23 Past MMO or Gaming Experience: A ton of MMOs, lots of Lineage 2, played neverwinter on PC a while back, etc etc wildstar, experienced pve/pvp player Gamertag: Im grantisimo