I tried opening a ticket on this figurein that there is no way this is still broken in OPEN BETA!!! So I figured we had to be doing something wrong. The answer I got back was "We do not deal with this as it is not important like being stuck."
OK now they seem to be back. Not sure what the change was but I waited the last few minutes until I got me second Merc and could do a job in Leadership. Then the small jobs came back for the other trades.
Yes, I have no crafting "missions" that I can perform with any of my trades except Leadership and even that one I can't finish until my current task (Hire a new merc) has completed. This was working (not WELL but it was working) before the server fix this morning. Before I only saw one mission on each trade that I could do…
They can call it a Beta, but when you open to the public with no limits on population, what they are really saying is "We want to be able to blame all the mismanagement and poor planning for a launch on a Beta tag."
I could not agree with this more. I paid to help support this opening and now have to wait nearly an hour on a Wed. Morning East Coast time when the fewest folks would be likely playing! The game has alot going for it and playing the few days we were allowed before the "Beta Launch" was enjoyable if a little buggy. If you…
Outstanding that at least two folks have such long memories! If either of you are ever on Beholder or once they merge the servers, please give a shout out. Would love to talk with anyone who remember the same era of gaming I do. ;)