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  • Asking you to back up your points is whining? Man, that puts a whole new spin on the entire concept of 'debate.' I've been living a lie.
  • Hah, good point! I read that reddit, too. +1, my good sir.
  • A Hawaladar is a rich man with a lot of friends. In parts of the world, they are like banks. Allow me to exemplify: Say I'm travelling to the UAE. I have one hundred thousand USD, and I want to invest in some businesses in the UAE. I call my friend Mohammed. He lives in the 'states, but grew up in the UAE. He's got family…
  • Why am I 12, and how was my conclusion in any way negative, signaling the end of the world, or scorching any metaphorical earth? Somehow, I get the sneaking suspicion that you're not that bright; you spent $250 on a game that claims to still be in beta and has not been available for very long. That just seems like poor…
  • Funny how, a week ago, you couldn't trash-talk Cryptic or PWE for all the fanboys rapidly defending them. Now? One must be a special kind of stupid to spend money on a game with problems like these. After all, part of the attraction of buying Zen is the ability to trade them for Astral Diamonds, and vice versa; it's the…
  • Ah, fair point. I still think it's worth at least a 3/10, but my opinion on the matter could be biased. =p
  • As far as I know, you can't transfer gold from one server to another. I may be wrong, but that has always been the case in other MMOs. And a middle-man? What, do you have a hawaladar in Neverwinter? o.O
  • You, sir, are wrong. If people DON'T get on their nuts, nothing will get done. If nobody complains, the devs will just say, "No one is complaining about anything; this game must be fine." And honestly, the company spent nearly an entire day to plan on a seven-hour rollback. They literally spent more than seven hours…
  • If the person sticks around and keeps posting, it's for attention. If they post once something to the effect of "I'm quitting," and you never hear from them again, it is something different; if they're not around to read your responses, it can't be called a cry for attention. Rather, it's more of a call to solidarity. In…
  • I do believe you just accused me of insulting people, good sir! I rebuke this.
  • The Elder Scroll series has been progressively dumbed-down in complexity the last two games. Even Morrowind was a little dumbed down compared to Daggerfall. That being said, I kinda still liked Oblivion; some of the story arcs were quite good. But I'm digressing from the topic for my own personal amusement.
  • You know, I deleted my level-26 CW just this morning to make a GF just to see if all the *****ing about them not being useful was justified. Only made it to level 10 or 15 before these cat shenanigans happened, so no idea yet. Also, cats. As one person put it, "It seems the ingame currency was suddenly changed from AD into…
  • Man, where'd the guy with the Kain avatar go? At least he said interesting things. Sentences that start with "Doesn't anyone find it ironic that..." just never seem to turn out interesting. I've read a lot of them. I keep hoping to be surprised, but keep being disappointed.
  • I was saying that technically, going by the actual words OP typed, you don't know for certain that he did so on purpose, or even more than the once or twice it takes to provide a bug report. I'm just saying, if buddy over there is going to argue, he picked the wrong line for it since that one is so easily reinterpreted.…
  • As to using exploits, he could have been using them accidentally. Which is why you should never call someone out like that, making it seem like their actions completely invalidate their argument; such things are subject to interpretation, and (particularly) reinterpretation. As for the rest, that's hardly worth banning…
  • So sorry to bother you, good sir, but are you implying that this game is PvP-centric? Because BOY HOWDY have I got news for you, if that be the case!
  • Ignore the remnants of this double post.
  • I propose a lemma: that this game's items are ridiculously over-priced. If that is true, then it is also logically true that money is not a huge concern to the people who spend it on this game. If it were, then I cannot conceive of them spending the money so recklessly and irresponsibly since it is in exchange for so…
  • To be fair, OP could not have possibly been making ad hominem attacks when it was the first post of the thread. There was nobody here for him to attack. Just because he used pronouns like "you" doesn't mean that you had to choose to attach yourself to them. It was your choice to view them as an attack against you…
  • Honestly, I don't see the arguments "this isn't a big deal, just something funny [from OP]" and "so we should just bend over and like it because this is how they're gonna do it?" as being mutually exclusive, like some have (perhaps inadvertently) presented them. I see this as a highly-amusing bit of fun to fix an…
  • +1, my good sir. Personally, I think the bit with the cats was a nice touch to what otherwise seemed like great justice. Honestly, these days, any company making an MMO that DOESN'T take the "Chinese gold-farming economy" into account when balancing their own in-game economies is just plain missing the entire point (in…
  • A wipe actually isn't that viable. Lots of people will leave, and it will forever tarnish this game's word-of-mouth reputation. Seeing as its current word-of-mouth reputation isn't that high, a wipe could very well kill it.
  • Ahh, copy-paste engineering. And people still defend this game. =p
  • I agree with OP. But I feel it's important to point out that I don't do so blindly. In recent years, this phenomenon has been popularly referred to as the "CoD mentality," but it has always been around. I've played a lot of difficult games. DotA has never been a cakewalk, Allegiance (which is surprisingly still going,…
  • +1, good sir. Honestly, I commend the cats. It might seem like the end of the world to some people without life experience, but I thought it was a clever and amusing way to deliver a swift kick in the pants to the devs for not prioritizing this sort of thing.
  • OP, these kids probably couldn't handle System Shock 2. What makes you think they could handle grade-10 history?
  • Known fact. And an idea just occurred to me: with Zen being a pan-game currency among all PWE products, it makes a particularly great platform for just that sort of thing, doesn't it? =3 EDIT: Also, draekus, +1 for the avatar. I bet the kids don't even know.
  • A lot of things could be said about the general behavior of PWE and Cryptic in relation to this issue. Honestly though, I completely approve of these shenanigans. There was an exploit, people were using it, reports were being filed, nothing was being done. Somebody came up with a brilliant idea: cats. It brought it to…
  • As much as OP comes off as a bit of a whiner, I haven't seen anything to legitimize half the people in this thread basically saying he's a git. He came on with a problem he couldn't figure out - don't be a bunch of twats. -_- But yeah, totally sounds like your guild is being a bit selfish - they obviously want to improve…