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  • Beta or not this games ruined. It's lost its player base and destroyed its economy because they refuse to wipe. pointless to discuss further
  • couldnt agree more with you
  • Lol that made my day =) sry not tryin to be a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> here just bein realistic
  • lets see a list of things that wouldve been 5000 times better - a basic mount 50% movement speed. should be no problem considering ppl used the exploit to get the purple ones -a professions pack since professions got messed up - a celestial coin pack maybe - a wipe of the game? - a pet or maybe one random purple item -…
  • If you still wanna argue with me just do yourself a HUGE favor. LOOK AT THE FORUM POSTS JUST ON THE FRONT PAGE. just the front nothing more. It's disgusting. It's literally full of things that SHOULD NOT be happening at this point in the games existence. Tickets being deleted or not addressed. Peoples items and money…
  • exactly. this game had SO much potential and still does. but the fact that we the beta testers are being IGNORED on our input its like why the hell are we even testing the game? we werent testing the game. its more like were FUNDING the release of the game. and now theyve lost a HUGE part of their playerbase. to deny that…
  • yep i am moving on forum and game your right. have fun playing in your broken game with small playerbase your just mad you bought a founders pack and your game is falling apart your hero of the north thing is like a public humiliation that you wasted money on something that isnt working right im sticking around my forum at…
  • You're right. but how does this dinky pack fix the problems this game has? it doesn't make the game any less P2W. it doesnt fix the broken aspects of pvp or pve. it doesnt make classes more viable or nerfed. it doesnt fix the broken economy. and its a bag of useless cosmetics. just unbelievable. I mean even a professions…
  • see and i agree i love this game. I want it so badly to succeed. But its just not happening period. This game will always have a player base but at this point i HIGHLY doubt it will ever get big again.
  • oh yeah in 6 months where the hell are these new players coming from? just wondering. What the hell makes you think a released product is gonna have this weird surplus of new gamers? plus just look at this community now. 80% of the people in these forums are just tearing this game apart. You think any of these people are…
  • okay and I'm here tellin you that i almost never use potions. EVER. i pretty much never get hit in pve. or have a cleric healing me in an instance in the rare circumstance that I do. and i can't use them in pvp. plus this game was ENTIRELY playable and easy pre them giving us the health stones. SO what the hell do those…
  • that was kind of the purpose of my thread. to make people realize exactly what you just said.
  • they need to implement a way for your team to just give up if your losing, like the surrender vote from league. i dont blame people for not wanting to stay in a game for 10 min when theyre gettin slaughtered and its a given the other team is gonna win
  • I can agree on the fact that maybe overall damage is just too high. From my experiences though, that doesnt become a problem until you hit level 60 or close too that, because everyone gets such a strong boost from their gear and crystals. So maybe increase end game health in pvp. i agree completely
  • One thing I'm hearing alot about in this thread though is that chain crowd control with no diminishing returns is unbalanced because you're stun locked until your dead. here's my perspective on that 1. Why are you in a position where the entire opposing team CAN stun lock you like that? As a CW for example, even in a 5v5…
  • I think you're playing it wrong because I personally don't have that problem. maybe your forgetting to cast your hots on yourself preheal? I hot myself then burst heal then focus heal with my right click. when all the heals stack like that you heal for a pretty insane amount pretty quickly. ( I've literally healed a GF…
  • see and that right there is exactly why i posted this thread. because people tryin to complain about certain things they don't like about the game are going to force the DEVS to nerf a class and render it useless. And then everyones going to hate playing that class. and it will ruin the game. If you nerf the rogues 1v1…
  • It could be spell timing. I've seen so many CW's just spam all their nukes at once while the rogue just rolls out of the first two and then pops their cc immunity. its stupid. I always start with my iceball into a rogue. then i look for the dodge. if they get hit i choke them in the midst of the stun, wait 1 sec, then slam…
  • That would definitely help alot of people simmer. Because I can understand the frustration of being outgeared in pvp. I have to deal with that myself. Once i die to the heavily geared person tho, I just spend the rest of the game avoiding them or confronting them when my team offers me great positioning and peels.
  • Thanks for your feedback. I agree with you 100%
  • I really haven't done anything to troll i dont think 0.o? As far as raging goes i admit i did a little. I just didn't expect to sit at my computer typing my well thought out opinion into a forum thread for a couple hours to end up with my instantly getting verbally attacked by the community instead of discussed. Which is…
  • I personally think that pvp should just be set up with one of each class. Almost like dungeon queuing. except right now you can get stacks of everything. maybe have 2 pvp instance types. One for queuing with friends where you could run 5 of one class if you'd like. and one for serious tournament style play. That would…
  • This post wasn't meant to be LoL themed. It's true that I used to play league. I quit though, that game isn't fun. Just causes rage and frustration and a LOT of hours sitting and trying to bump my elo lol. But since we're on the topic of league why not use that as a reference. League is an excellent example because it is…
  • Hey guys sry for not responding to all your posts. Had a ridiculously long work day so haven't had an opportunity to get back to everyone. Usagi you're right I'm not max level with my GWF. I do have a level 60 CW and a level 55 Cleric. It's just taking me a while to get all 5 classes up to 60. Right now my GWF is currently…
  • honestly and this is from my experiences playing with my gwf, i get my break free immunity to cc 2 to three times against a rogue if i use them optimally. that means 3 times i break out of your cc, and the third time is so i can run away and u cant catch me, while i get a potion
  • completely agree on this as well. as i said earlier mounts do not effect combat. and if your team is effectively holding bases, then mounts dont do anything except get you to the base maybe a couple seconds quicker
  • see! finally someone that understands what I'm talkin about. everyone here is so focused on oh its pvp i need to kill kill kill. no youre wrong. its about making plays to ensure your team gets victory. that means its about utilizing your class in the most effective way possible
  • see i really dont have that problem. in both situations im immune and break free from your ccs and then get on top of you and beat you down with my dps and life steal. and if i get super low or in a 2v1 situation i run away. and you cant catch me again cuz of immunity to ccs