Considering they screwed up and yes they should give everyone free VIP since they screwed this one up so bad . Also not entitlement it is simply making good on a product you do pay for which in alot of states if a business does not rectify it can lead to a lawsuit and no tos would not get them out of that. Second…
Another question are you going to restore VIP to those of us that had it run out during this screw up or are we just <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of luck. I had roughly 4 days left and feel since you all are at fault for this I should receive an extra month at least. Cause as of right now I have no plans to re up my vip .
If they really wanted to make the dungeons relevant just bring back salvaging. Problem solved scaleing was done for one reason only and that was to make high end players slow down and stop the speed runs. Increase the rad cap to 500000 account wide and everything will be fine.
Also you don't have to do the quest in the stronghold to receive vouchers have not completed it once this time around and still get them. Also doing it or not does not effect the drop rates. Did not do it but once last seige and saw no difference.
Ok enough of the darn dragons they don't need to spawn so damn much. They drop nothing of value. Also the voucher drop rate needs a buff . Also have you thought of give guilds the option of creating a private instance there for they can farm for vouchers. The vouchers is the main thing for like 70 percent of your player…
hi not sure if this is the right place for this but . since you have decided to nerf the orcus set have you thought of intro ducing and set that would be worth using. also have you thought of introducing an 16 piece set made up of the four artifacts and the 12 equipment slots . several games that I have played before have…
Also I don't want other class's lower in damage but want players to understand that the game has been designed in a way that the gwf has been designed as the primary dps and stop complaning when the Dev's bring the game back into line with this game design. Now I would like for the dungeons would at somepoint use each…
well lets see I have 3 alts that are only used if my guild or alliance needs something and cant find any able to run. my main has only two areas left to finish all total my dailies take less than an hour to do. I don't do ad runs on my alts Because my main has more than enough. also I work far more than you do. and second…
as far as I know ad voucher's have never been in the ps4 version of the siege of neverwinter event. this is my second one and none of my guild mates or alliance mates have ever seen a ad voucher drop in the event.
no offence not all players are like you and run dungeons simply for rad ok. if you want to do speed runs then group with folks with in your guild or alliance. the only time I ever speed run on the lower dungeons are the ones I hate. also you get far more rad doing salvage runs then the random ones.
ok hold on I have had the green one for over six months and I was just now able to use it as a feeder and it has been legendary for 3 months. so that must of been a recent change. since I have tried in the past to use it as a refinement and it never showed up in my inventory when I tried. so did that just change or what.
hi I have a question did you guys change weather or not heart of the dragon artifacts can be used as a feeder or not. and if so does it have to be legendary. basicly I am wondering due to the fact that I was able to role my legendary version of the green one into another artifact last night. but when my wife tried to do it…
this is getting very upsetting. if this company has any respect for their player base they will make this right. I know they wont but this company is the outlier when it comes to this . every mmo I have played weather free to play or subscription based give's out a compensation pack when it is an issue on their side.
yeah I belive they need to give all of us something for this HAMSTER how many of us are going to have to redo what we where doing. hell I was in a middle of a darn boss fight and then the server craped out. we all need to be compensate for this. these consent sever crashing is getting old.
ok you folks need to get your servers fixed should not be getting dc every 5 min's and no it is not on my side or playstation side. it is on your side due to having everyone on one sever. this is the worst mmo I have played with consent dc and rubberbanding and lag. need to fix this. what you need is about 6 sever towers 2…