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  • Pretty much the same as myself and I don't have much problem with the groups so long as things go smooth... but then I have more TR's on my account than any other class. Leap behind the white and stun it, timing got to be on the ball, miss it at all and white is into his first spin. Only take notice of a black if they…
  • No interest what-so-ever, Frankly I have no reason to trust people not to try an screw me over. Even if it where there, I'd still limit such things to guildies. Mind you, I don't even pug, if it isn't a friend (Ie someone I know off-line) or a guildie then there are no real consequences for most bad behavior. Too many…
  • Hmmm very mixed emotions over this, on one hand I've paused somewhat whilst waiting to see what changes I'll have to adjust to when mod 6 goes live, on the other they are supposed to be serving a 'steak dinner' but it looks like it is going to be so raw they won't have even wiped its hooves before putting it on the plate.…
  • No, no and thrice no to ANY suggestion of raising the AD refinement cap..... I want my AD to be worth MORE, not less and raising the cap will make it worth less. simple economics!
  • The ban isn't the problem, if the matchmaking wasn't throwing 10k-14k teams against teams full of 20k-24k GS so much (From what I have experienced, a majority of the time, but maybe I've been unlucky?) then there would be no reason to leave or even sit by the campfire. If I think I have a hope in hell then I keep fighting,…
  • Yep.... I have the inscribed garments equiped on my toons, I still collect via gateway, I get time to nip on that when I don't have time to log into the game. The XP from leadership is negligible, no real loss, the garments come into their own when leveling, or doing dailys etc. Accout wide when you have 9-10 or more toons…
  • What keeps me here.... first and foremost.... a handful of people. Two friends and a whole bunch of guildies that I am mostly just getting to know. I enjoy the game, the mechanics, the classes, I've 9 lvl 60's (One of each class and a couple spare) and they all get played, none are 'leadership farms'. I solo a lot so…
  • Yep, plus for a casual player I won't be 1-2 days ahead, but I will be there faster than I would without it. With my first toon, I took things slow, wanted to get as much out of leveling as possible..... with 11 toons (When I add the 2 paladins I have planned), that's a lot of repetition, faster is good. For one toon I…
  • *chuckles* old old problem, much older than neverwinter, in fact it happens much less in neverwinter (So far). Mr Dweeb is a clueless DPSer, he thinks tagging every mob in the entire dungeon is a cool thing to do, hey it means one big fight and the dungeon is done quicker right. The party has a tank, so it isn't as if he…
  • Every day when I look at my toons :P Only R5's so far, but then I don't PvP and R5's are good enough for most PvE content, hence enchants have a lower priority for me than for some. They will be upgraded eventually but there has been other stuff to spend the AD on. Remember there ARE still newer folks coming through and…
  • First to those posting that the Paladin isn't available to you, the first time I logged onto the preview server, I had the same issue. I relogged and the Paladin was available! Feedback: Early levels you mentioned in the devblog the feel/impression you wanted to give from the get go, sorry to say the feel I got was…
  • Personally I'd like there to be a mix of lengths, sure most of the time I only have time and patience for a shorter one. But I, and no doubt some of my guildies, would enjoy the occasional longer run.
  • Cartman: You can't be the dwarf character, Butters, I'm the dwarf. Erm. So long as I don't believe the run can't be done without a particular class, I don't much care what class my guildies run with, the person behind the keyboard is far more important to me. Same with GS, if they can get into the content I'll run with…
  • Perfectly :) just for some reason it isn't giving me extra ANY details when I look at it in store, which made the image misleading showing boc (but actually being claimable account wide). I will be picking one up later :) for an alt-aholic, it makes the cost worth it.... if it had been per toon then I wouldn't consider it…
  • The posted link shows them as boc, but if it does turn out to be boa then I shall probably pick up one, maybe more :)
  • As they are, I won't be buying them, however if they where bound to ACCOUNT, then I would consider them worth it. You'd still need 4 (Plate, mail, leather and cloth)
  • It is nearly mid-day here on GMT, they are based in california, that's 8 hours behind us, so around 4am, I can't see them doing anything with preview till 9 or 10am their time at the earliest, so I wouldn't expect anything for at least 5 or 6 hours, maybe more.
  • Personally I really dislike being at the mercy of the RNG, so I am predisposed to be against any form of 'chance to proc', I prefer 'reliable' and RNG simply ISN'T.... however I've signed up for the preview shard and lifesteal is one of the things I'll be having a long hard look at, see if it can change my mind.
  • If there was no change people would be crying that the game was stagnant and dead, that there was no development going on. When there is progression and the game is naturally growing (As it should) they complain that it feels like they are in beta, there has been the same kind of posts in every MMO I have ever played
  • I have to agree there..... most PvP isn't PvP... it is gear vs gear...... Everyone having the exact same toons with the exact same gear... then it becomes about is one players skill better than the other players skill. otherwise PvP is going to mostly be PtW! (Pay to Win)
  • I absolutely agree with this, the placement is totally wrong, blocks vision and has gotten me killed on a few occasions. However, as said, it is something we see regularly suggested.
  • They did mention that there are other options, of which sword would be one but they did also mention transmutes.... should be maces, axes and swords, but some you'd have to transmute to get.
  • Nothing, because I am not bothered about having one, Classes I tend to take one of every type but am not a min-maxer so have no need for either dragonborn, race simply isn't important enough to me for me to pay for. Plenty else to support the game by buying :)
  • How is Boo, haven't seen him nor his pet human for years :P Many thanks for accepting the application, look forward to being part of this new family (Well, new to me that is) :)
  • Whilst I actually play all my alts (Though gearing then up significantly has become problematic with so much RP being needed, but they will get there slowly) most of them have leadership 20. I don't just have them farm and consolidate the AD into my main, but since they started reaching max leadership they have stopped…
  • so it is Monday then, no problems. whilst it will be interesting when I get to try it out, it means spending the time I have free this weekend on the main game where what I do still makes a difference to my toons. The preview server being down is mainly detrimental to you given the point of it is to get feedback. I'm sure…
  • Can folks stop with the 'handbags at dawn' act! Yes it is a PvE focused game, yes some of the accommodations for PvP are irritating but PvP is here to stay, it has a valid (If smaller than its verbose advocates here on the forums would like everyone to believe) place here and besides which some of the people responsible…
  • I'm gonna steal that for My number one also, though I do have other reasons... 2) Unlike the MMO I played for years, it is free. Now whilst I oft play quite a lot, there are times when RL keeps me busy enough that I don't get to play for a few months at a time and I resent paying for something I am not using. It would have…
  • OK caught the stream.... gotta say the OP looks VERY cool, though I am going to need TWO slots because the tank and healer paths are so radically different that I am going to treat it as two classes rolled into one. Very nice mechanics on both sides of it, however we need the other half of the equation to be able to judge,…
  • Even if the reason was wrong, I still like the idea as it fits well, in this setting they are the front line defense for their faith, whichever faith they adhere to!