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  • Bug Vampiric Embrace - Goes on cooldown without doing any damage sometimes. Vampiric Embrace - Goes on cooldown doing damage but without the lifesteal/heal sometimes. Sprint - It activates a disco yellow light type of animation that is annoying as hell. Feedback Infernal Spheres - Seems buggy and while the spheres do fire…
  • You're not supposed to be getting epic gear from normal dungeons, I believe that is a bug, I did get Tier 1 epic boots from normal FH a while ago when they first introduced the dungeon chest keys. To answer your question, to get the epic main hand from the dread vault dungeon, you have to do the epic version of that…
  • I like the changes personally, overall CW in PVE will be brought down to support the group more than just nuking everything in 1 rotation if the mobs are lucky to survive a full rotation and will let the actual DPS classes do the nuking. PVP seems like CWs got a bit of a buff especially considering the changes to other…
  • Your level is too low for the next quests, this usually happens if you play with others and avoid fights. Do some PVP, Skirmishes, dungeons or simply kill mobs, gain a level or two then go to sergent knox and he'll give you the 'next area' quest. Even if you abandon the end of an area quest, Knox will still give you the…
  • TR = Arms and MH after the patch GWF = MH before and after CW = Arms after MH before and after I didnt try with the other classes, 3 is enough of a pain as it is. P.S. I got the Arms off raid the raiders IWP X2 and MH off prospectors attack IWP X3, undead invasion in DV X2, and ancestral ceremony IWP X3
  • The boons will help you, they may not seem much if you look at them 1 boon at a time, but when you get 5 of them for example, that's 250X5=1250 extra stats. that's more than you're getting from enchanting your gear with rank 4s to say the least. Your GS doesnt specify anything regarding your stats, 250 defense give as much…
  • I dont understand how someone can be playing the game without having the boons to begin with. Seriously, what were you doing before mod3 started if you dont even have at least the first 3 boons? Regarding new players, it wouldnt hurt them to get to know the pre-mod3 content before getting to the latest content as they will…