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  • Chocolate Shoppe @doomltd
  • No one who has ever played HR in mod 4 has stated the class was balanced unless they were trolling. Obviously HRs and CWs aren't gonna make threads saying 'please nerf me,' that's not logical; however I haven't seen a single thread since Mod 5 release asking for HRs to get buffed, or complaining about how weak they are…
  • It truly has been like that since beta, still I enjoy voicing my opinion (even though I am well aware it affects no one) when i'm bored. :P
  • If you honestly only care that people have fun then why do you oppose the TR bug fix? No one has fun in PvP right now except TR. Do you really think that's okay?
  • If you are honestly suggesting that a feat which literally STACKS ITSELF (I'm not sure if people realize this, if you attack using this feat, the Damage will proc again off itself) isn't a bug, and shouldn't be changed (no it's not a nerf, get real) then I feel sorry for you.
  • This is, without a doubt, the dumbest thing I've ever read. If you believe that the game is unbalanced in PvE because of PvP, then request a change in feats depending on whether you are attacking a player or a mob. Even the suggestion that the devs should remove PvP because of PvE "unblanace" (LOL) is just... I don't even…
  • **** question here, what is Ferocity? xD Also just a few more quick ones, why use Half orc instead of Dragonborn? I've read through all of the calculations posted in the other thread and it seems that Dragonborn would be slightly higher Damage and more healing. (though I may be wrong) I was also wondering how common it is…
  • Excuse me? How the hell are we all supposed to know this and do you even have a shred of evidence of this? Last I checked this is not the Russian forums, though I may be mistake, so most of us (including me) know nothing about the Russian PvP community, all I know is that we have almost double the amount of pages that the…
  • PM's don't drink potions usually until it's confirmed another PM, sometimes the potions are still there from the previous match is the point I was trying to convey.
  • You lose less time if you finish the match quickly. I don't mean to be rude, but i'd personally rather waste 7 mins of my potion than 15 minutes.
  • Reread what I wrote then delete your pathetic post. This time attempt to actually retain some of the information provided. By the way I'm page two on the leaderboards without cheating and all I do is soloq and premade. Stop talking about what you don't know.
  • 'Even if that is true'? really? you think we like sitting around for 10 minutes doing nothing? we hate that dude! And why would we take off our gear? sure it may be SLIGHTLY more enjoyable, but we're also wasting our elixir time and we're still going to lose leaderboard pages just for being in the match. The entire thread…
  • As a member of Purple Dragons (Absolute brother guild) and a frequent PMer, we pot because we have likely just finished fighting another PM, we don't want to face pugs, we want other PM's!!! Long story short, sorry if you have the misfortune of meeting a PM while PuGing, not much we can do about it.
  • Howdy, so I'll mention to start that I haven't looked through the replies yet. Looking over your build I am confused by your choice in feats and in abilities, but primarily feats. To start one of your primary complaints was that GWF builds lack either damage or defense, however with the feat and abilities you're proposing,…