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  • You mean there isn't? I thought I just hadn't found the hotkey yet. :confused: As for PvP, the fact they haven't added a right-click "Report bot" feature is mind boggling. Add a voting feature, ability to kick someone, ANYTHING is better than having a steady stream of bots running around doing nothing.
  • This is the best fix to botting I've ever seen. GREAT IDEA! Cryptic, you should be doing this NOW! Make this a 24 hour timeout. Good luck to the botters then!
  • Why are some of the patch notes the same as last patch? Were the fixes not applied as promised in last patch? Can we trust they are applied in this one? Why so few fixes for GWF? The unstoppable activation bug is a big deal, yet still no fix. Try fighting for 40 mins to get to a boss when unstoppable magically stops…
  • Let's be thankful PW doesn't build cars. Cmon PW, this is MAJOR bug when the main power of a class is completely disabled throughout a map. I've had this happen to me during boss fights.. it's essentially forced suicide. It ruins the class.
  • I've had to fight boss fights without unstoppable because of this bug. It's absurd to have a toon which cannot use it's MAIN <censored> POWER. How is this not a critical bug? It's as critical as making a car which has no gas pedal!
  • Great, now add an option to auto-identify loot so when we pick it up it says the actual name instead of "unidentified belt". Better yet, add an option to auto-identify only usable loot (not stuff we can't equip), for those of us who don't bother identifying <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> we can't use.
  • http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?287392-Deagen-s-Control-Wizard-Guide Excellent CW guide
  • Wow, this guy is a sad troll. "I just want to tell everyone, but I won't post it" .. Go pop a pimple, attention starved troll. Here is the great secret method: Step 1: /zone WTB key for 16g Step 2: wait Step 3: trade Oh noes, the secret is revealed! No more waiting to learn "the secret" Go die.
  • This is by design. Companions aren't supposed to help non-owners
  • Wait until Gauntlgrim gets re-released. Those in my guild who have spiders were bragging about how easy it was to hunt down those with slower mounts before they get healed. I like how you 'technically' agree, then try and say it doesn't count. You must have a strong back, moving those goal posts so often. An example was…
  • In PvP, the guy who spent $40 on a mount runs more than twice as fast to control points and healing drops as the free guy. Pay 2 win means a tactical, measurable advantage over those who have not paid. I'll take my 10g now and you can shut your mouth when it comes to calling people who accurately describe this game as…
  • Welcome to what happens when you introduce major content outside of beta. What, precisely, is the point of beta if you release new, untested content after beta has ended? Who runs perfect-world? This is software production 101. If there is anyone at your company who did not see this train wreck coming, FIRE THEM, because…
  • Using a word incorrectly after someone else has doesn't make it correct usage, it makes you just as wrong. Two stupids don't make a smart. Back on topic, I'd love to know how people are managing to bid in the last 15 seconds, as I get locked out at 59 seconds. Somehow people are bypassing this limitation. I'm tired of…
  • same here, wtf? It seems other people have figured out a way to avoid this, but I have no idea how
  • As it is now, using my DC I can run a perpetual 1v1 battle with a CW. Neither one of us will ever die without outside help. You should absolutely be able to kill each other in this game! It's just stupid to meet at a control point and just battle forever. The point is to win, not perpetually stalemate., but there is not…
  • IMO, this is the most accurate summary of class issues.
  • Bump. This is ridiculous. Why include content which is totally broken? it isn't a little bugged, it does nothing and isn't even visible! I had to put "always" show health in order to even see the **** thing! Until it is fixed, rename it the Paralyzed Pocketknife of Wasted Astral Diamonds.
  • Agreed! I just bought one for 50K AD and it just sits there and watches me die. I barely ever attacks and almost no monsters even attack it. they all go straight to me, which kills the entire point of a melee companion. Wish you guys owuld put warnings in the description for broken items, so we know when buying the <font…