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What is the Arc Client?
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  • I think the solution is easy. Make the mobs chests which are spread across the dungeon (not the end boss chest) drop green profession assets such as Tongs, Mailsmiths, swiwel knifes etc. and also blue enchantments and/or some AD (up to 4-5k for lvl 60 dungeons). I think this will convince people to run dungeons while…
  • I want to ask this, are you a Halfling? The reason I asked this is because I have 1 Halfling TR and 1 Half-Elven DC. I find it much easier to do the jumps with my Half-Elven DC compared to my Halfling TR. Did anyone ever experienced this? Or is this just me who feels like halflings can jump less then other races? I begin…
  • It isn't about parents or gamer kids it is PWE who scheme exploits open your eyes people.
  • Well I regret the money I spent on this game. This AH exploit apparently schemed by PWE staff it self. Since they say they are tracking exploiters and only taking precaution with 1 day roll back. 1st they should fire those employees who didn't do their job properly at close beta by not evaluating player feedbacks on AD…