As per "Forgotten Realms Wiki" Kobolds are aggressive, inward, yet industrious small humanoid creatures. They are noted for their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes, and mining. Kobolds are distantly related to dragons and urds and are often found serving the former as minions. This humanoid is about the size…
I wonder if I made a video based on this thread, if it would go "viral"?? "you know, it all started with a Ogre, a were-rat and a kobold..." maybe I'll base my next quest on the Enjoy
You know, Bill's Tavern, The 27th Level and Secret Agent 34 (loved the repealing) are some of the best quests I've played; wish I could come up with stuff like them, but I'm keep up the good work so I can learn more.. Enjoy..
Mine has always been "Enjoy", even if its to someone in a argument with me.. short for "Enjoy or not, your choice".. My son's was "Peace" whether you liked him or not, his way of getting under your Enjoy..