my questline and loot bloom is working fine (90% of the time) on my main but as soon as i load a alt they dissapear completely. i havent tried the map trick yet ill give it a try but i find it odd that this phenomenon only effects my alt char's.
i have posted this twice separately but had no response so i'm posting it here. i am getting really devastating timing/lag issues on bosses, by the time the warning marker for the attack appears i get at best 1/2 a second to react or the attack has already happened usually resulting in a 1shot death for my warlock. i do…
my guided path also keeps dissapearing and if i keep playing the loot bloom also dissapears making it challenging to find your path and or loot. the only way i have found to rectify it is to hard reset my console so it may be a cash issue, but even after a hard reset it can dissapear almost immediatley. it is getting worse…