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  • Thanks, you're right about that. You know what? I know my class. I know how to play it, and I do it pretty **** well. But since I haven't been playing as long as other people, I tend to let them push me around and make me doubt myself. I really need to stop that. =)
  • While I do technically have choices now, when it comes right down to it, in any group I am expected to control, spam AS, and knock people off ledges. If I don't do this, people become very unhappy. So, do I really have any choice? And once they implement these changes, I fear not all of the few choices I have now will be…
  • Well, that is how it should be. There should be variety in wizards, either you go control or DPS, arcane or chill, whatever. But I want choices! I want variety!
  • From what I have read, and what I have heard first hand from people who tested it, this is true. Whereas before we got 5% per target, we now get 5%total, regardless of how many targets it hits. This is more than just a little AP loss.
  • Dear Cryptic, Fury of the Feywild is going to be released in less than a week. Now would be a great time to change your minds about the HORRIBLE, SOUL-CRUSHING, GAME-RUINING changes you are making to every class! I'll admit, I wasn't happy being just an AS-machine. Maybe AS is the thing that really needed to be changed,…
  • PLEASE fix the Tempest Magic/Tiefling issue with Control Wizards! Please! Please! Please! Also, Fury of the Feywild is going to be released in less than a week. Now would be a great time to change your minds about the HORRIBLE, SOUL-CRUSHING, GAME-RUINING changes you are making to every class! I love my control wizard. I…