Honestly, I don't feel that they are that weak early game from a PVE perspective. It's not that bad at all. But from 1-30 in PVP it's just AWFUL. I even spent 100k in AD, bought all blue items... but no difference. In PVE my auto attacks will hit for at LEAST what the weapon damage is...and my encounters will at least do…
Just picked up the Guardian Founders Pack last night (Wish I had $200! ugh!) but I have still not gotten any email regarding the beta weekend. I have got an email confirming that the founders pack was added to my account though. This is also my first post since, so I guess I'll see if I got the forum title change or not.…
I recently noticed the Download link was made available on my account...so I downloaded & installed the game (YAY!) but when I try to login I get an account error, leading me to http://nw.perfectworld.com/404?url=%2Fsupport%2Faccount_error I'm assuming it's either because the servers are down or my account isn't actually…
I would like to play a control wizard more than anything... there's nothing quite like blasting your foes to dust from afar! I am somewhat wondering if there's going to be a healing class though... a cleric or something like that. If so, I MIGHT have to change my mind! :cool: