how does a full team of afk'ers not affect your gameplay? how does everyone needing a purple not affect your gameplay? please elaborate instead of trolling.
u sir, have no understanding at all on how an mmo is suppose to be played. But i'm betting my *** off that once u reach level 60 in 5 hours u'll be running heroic dungeons etc and boasting around in /z that ur the man that got lvl 60 in only 5 hours. If u want to stand on a map and kill 50 ogres that dont even attack you…
as a photoshop artist there are a few remarks i have, please take these as constructive not negative... 1- i think not 1 thing in those signatures (beside the backgrounds in the middle maybe) is actually made by you. seems you cut out different parts from other images and put them together. so 5-6 hours for each of them…