Sorry, I missed the preview server part and I was under the impression you did a test with Act. Despite you and Sharpedge notes, some people, me included, feel that Mighty Blade work with WMS, which could be perhaps our senses playing tricks. This is the reason i wanted to see the logs.
I decided to replace my burning daggers for the mirage set and noticed an increase in damage ... if some conditions can be achieved. First, the mini me are squishy and they require at least 2 aoe like smoke bomb and dazing strike to control the mobs. Second, bosses are mostly imune to the encounters above and is a must…
Thank you for input. I usually ”glue” myself to dragon type enemies like Lostmauth, for example and it”s a pain to chase the fire around him while trying to dodge fireballs and meteors, so i was thinking maybe the eye it is a better alternative to the wheel.
I tried this build, using though the stealth gain from dodge and i noticed an increase in dps for my 2.5 tr. Mobs are easier, while bosses need a dedicated tank, but smoke bomb have a good effect on them. Ty for your build notes.
I”ve tried Smoke Bomb on Garakas and he”s kinda powering down for a couple of seconds, bending over. Hiting will get him up, but in those sec gwf and cw can wreak a lot of dmg.
Not always you have the luxury to play with a high iL team and bosses, like Orcus and Lostmauth, have a lot of health, making fire archon still a must have companion. Right now, I like my Con Artist, but I am interested also in the Ambush Drake, a prohibitive companion at 6 mil AD, for his 20% debuff to defense for 3…
Thank you for input Morenthar. Right now I am trying to include Psion”s Shroud in my build to reach 120 k hp, not until i got 2 rosegold rings though. I played with lvl 8 radiant and lvl 9 black ice enchantments in offense slots, the power seem better to me in the long run, but I am going to try the brutal approach as well.
Obviously, I am missing something, but how can you get at 30 con and 24 charisma? With a human, I mean and using just the greater plate band of constitution for + 4 to con.
#raymond00713 - I thought about your suggestion, but my avatar is tied up by the need to reach 60% armpen (i have 44% right now) and any change I make will see my armpen go down. Until I buy or luck a armpen mount, nothing is going to change. #sirjimbofrancis - I already look on your blog and liked your more rounded…
What I love about Neverwinter or any other RPG, is that ppl have a different approach to things and all work! I asked because I already have radiant and dark lvl 7-8 and thought I should get a fresh opinion before I invest till the end. Nevertheless, thanks for your kind offer, but I have to think this over to fit in my…
From what i remember Lillend doesn”t proc some insignia. Con Artist is squishy, I have mine at level 30 and I gived up Shadow Demon, because of the nerf sirjimbofrancis mentioned and Yeti since the tanks of the group believe he is stealing aggro.
You like Loyal gear, while sirjimbofrancis use underdark rings. The constant buff you get from them is better that the buffs someone will get from power and critical rings, for example?
With 4.1 iL and, I suspect, epic/legendary mounts there is no reason to change your rotation. If you decide to play with a team, as sirjimbofrancis sugested, some bosses will give you enough trouble to make ITC a good option.
Good to know. I realize that SP habits are no longer useful in a MMO and I am doing as much teamwork that I can. Companions are not really tanky or draw enough heat of you like in SP. I am going to invest my tarmalune bars in something else and upgrade the Con Artist. Thank you all.
Can you please elaborate? Actual experience with this pets in combat will give me a insight, especially because the Shadow Demon need some investment in deflect that can go in other places with Con Artist.