I find the second boss of MSP harder for beginners and at the time it came out, there were less whine about it than today. Lag is present for sure, mostly for europeans, I don't think they're gonna open a new serveur located in Europe and crossed with the actual one. So far it is playable, not fluid everytime so strange…
Please, don't make this raid easier than it already is. This is the first raid which ask a bit of practice and brought us challenge in the game. Firsts weeks were hard because we had to learn the timings, variety of different classes and what can happen during the combat (AoE pushing you outside during the push for…
Hi Lia, i disagree on some your points regarding especially the rotation, i made some tests on ACT (and several times in dungeon) about it and it seems for me that it's better to use IBS when you're full Determination (to use well WD), then you go in fury mode. it is less effective for the first rotation because buffs are…
It appears to be a bug, i don't manage to make the bonding appear again, maybe a specific process can display it but i don't remember which one. By the way, i tried Dragon stone ioun & fire archon and my dps was significantly increased with the ioun stone (when i had the bonding proc displayed)
Bonding proc on power actication, not attack I can see the proc on the top left, that means that in a way, the ioun is attacking/activating something, otherwise the bonding wouldn't proc, nope?
It appears that ioun stone are working with bonding runestones, if the stats gave by the companion + the bonding are stacking, is it not better than any other companion? (Black dragon ioun = 3 ring slots)