> @"alquimistgg#0914" said: > all crafted items that go to the craft inventory because of this reduction, not just for the collected resources. in fact equipment (which goes to the common inventory) cannot actually go through this transformation process from +1 to regular items, however this only reinforces what I said…
> @"alquimistgg#0914" said: > maybe you don't know, but +1 items can be converted to regular items with just 2 clicks, this has been implemented for some time. Yes, MW is still an AD source just because there are hopeful people in this system and they like professional systems enough to want to evolve this and not because…
> @rikitaki said: > @chiatzou Let me rephrase: The masterwork 1-whatever is just a tedious, pointless filler... up to the last generation, which finally offers something with some potential. I do not argue if the process should be expensive or not, but if something is expensive, it should be worth it. And all those steps…
All those who have the current level of Mastercraft have spent millions in other ways. The amount of AD on the server is very high. Right now a person progressing can use Level 80 artisans which have better stats. It is much easier now to complete MW than it was in the past. It needs to be difficult. If not then it should…
How many attempts before your team achieved your first completion? Im specifically talking about the first version. Then with each update and the increased difficulty how many runs? I guess im getting at how much harder was each increase in difficulty compared to the current release.
I noticed in these recent videos you dont call out the mechanics like you did in the beginning. Did you keep most of the same people for each of the runs? How many runs were needed before most people knew what needed to be done and you did not have to instruct people on what to do?
There is also the AD sink of someone becoming a Mastercrafter after they obtain it. It would be a level 80 tool so all the old MC upgrades would be very easy to do. MC is a huge AD/Zen sink. The artisans that people get from the packs. Upgrading of workshops. All of it is an AD sink.
I have not played the new trial on preview let me start off by saying that. Im unsure of the system in which the new weapons are acquired. I implore you allow them to drop unbound. It will be good for the game as far as people converting zen to AD to buy and also keep players interested in trying to get to end game to…
Stream said it was fixed but it doesnt work like the tooltip states or like it used to work. In the patch notes, it should have been explained the way it works now. Or they think thats the way it s supposed to work...
@tgwolf For us to fix it, it would at least for me my requirement would be for them to fix all the things broken in the game. Thats never gonna happen so there ya go.
@"dawndilion#7316". The developers are just catering to the newer players. Its bot a good idea though because their items will be item scaled. The amount of IL through the old boons is significant. If a person gears up and goes back to get them, it will be easier for them to do the level 80 content than the level 70. Now…
The boons have very little use now. All they are now is IL so you can get into LOMM. It is so much though that its almost a requirement. So was the idea to make the boons essentially useless and required for IL purposes. Make them harder to get via scaling so it forces people to buy them off the Zen market. Seems like it…
Funny it was changed that the heroics no longer dropped gems because people were holding them for 2x enchants. Now they are forcing you to hold them via game bugs. Go figure.
@bpstuart I agree. A failed example of implementation. Hardcore mode. Doing something that is harder just for the sake of doing it. Not many at all do it. It would be like saying well you know I could this perfectly truck to haul some stuff away to the dump. Instead though I ll carry it all by hand. The reward is the same,…
Im guessing with the release of these 4 weapon sets and also the announcement of a new trial in the next mod. Do you think we are just going to be doing just like the Chult again? Run the trial to exalt your weapons have a nice day? Surely we have something in the works more creative than that...
I understand the want to cater to newer players all games need that. When that new player hits level 80 and then wants to do a random q to get AD they will leave. So at most you are looking at maybe a month of gameplay for a casual player. Are you hoping they spend money within that time? If they dont its done. You wont…
Number 2 is important because it makes all older items useable. A person can have some MC done and make items that other people need such as gold wire for example.
They would rather have them be removed so they can forget to have them come back. I think at this point it seems that they are just trolling the playerbase. Bug after bug after bug.
The old saying is that you can shear a sheep many times but skin it only once. With all the nerfs to AD generation via longer random q's and drops that still have no value. I think you have skinned this sheep.
In all honesty the game to me is in a sad state. All the broken things getting released and relying on your customer to tell you all what is broken is sad. I personally would be ashamed to put on my resume that I was a developer who worked on this mod. So sad even that when Gamepedia did that stream with you guys you didnt…