Came here looking for some answers, but it seems that MOPs is something the devs have not addressed. They just made them non viable with no explanation and no option for replacements (mind you) I still get MOPs from drops in dungeons and from invocation bags. So whats the point of giving these still when apparently they…
Okay i see it says they are "targeting" for tomorrow release, but seriously not everyone has FB or twitter so why are we not getting the same information on the forums or blog? Its really not that hard to copy and paste information from one place to another and when you get an update/patch it says "go to the forums for…
Great question! I put some stuff for sale not even realizing until after i did ... I have more stuff to post but cant due to the fees involded in posting them. Getting a refund should be obligatory as it is their mistake/bug not ours.
I am aware, but you can actually run it with 2. I have the watcher set myself and i ran it with 2 runes so many times i dont even remember. But we tried with 3 also and nothing, everyone keeps saying its bugged I just wanted to know if that was the case so i can put it in the bug report section.
Thanks for the replies ... He is level 80 @plasticbat, he is not new to the game just havent figured out how to open that part. @autumnwitch you mean do the weekly quests?
Yes! This is the second time these patch notes have been posted in the PS4 section and its not for PS4. The second time! and none of this has been changed, fixed or updated on PS4. Avernus is still a hot mess, drop rates on maps still not working and no weapon gear either.... Or if you do by chance get weapon is just for…
Do you mean the top prize of this AD box is account bound and account wide legendary mount vs the top prize of mod 19 lockbox is not account bound but account wide legendary mount?…
you get the same stuff with lockboxes that uses keys... having a key doesnt give you better items. If they were to adjust this lockbox then they would have to adjust every lockbox in NW cause its the same as far as drops.
VIP price of 75K AD means 100 Zen (for 750:1 exchange rate in PC). The outcome of the lockbox seems to be more or less in line to the regular lockbox without using Zen to buy a key. ^This is right^ .. Putting in terms everyone can understand if you bought 1 key from the zen market it would cost the same as its value in…
im glad you posted this ... i came here looking for answers and i see its not just me seeing a -timer count up. Im also curious as of when did this happened?, I got off from playing this morning @4am (its now 11am where im at) and the timers were fine.
bs! progression in the game is not based soley on artifacts. I agree with the OP these old artifacts should be upgraded or at the very least offer upgraded versions of class specific artifacts for clerics, paladins, barbarians,ect.
Thanks ravenokami Someone said it was gonna be end of July, I just found it odd that it was gonna be during the summer festival event. Anyways, thanks again
I second this thought *claps*, It has become obvious to me over the years that the devs dont play this game other then testing here and there which is why they need our input and why the mechanics of the game are as bad as they are.
Not sure if its a bug, but i agree it would make sense to be able to sell all of your unwanted gear. Gear either gives you the option to sell or refine not sure why that is, then again, a lot of whats implemented in this game doesnt make sense.
I think new rewards need to be added or changed. All of these rewards have not changed in what over 5yrs? The older items should be easily obtainable for the new players and for veteran players there should be better more challenging ones to get. None of these events are worth grinding for the same 'ol stuff we already…
Yep its happened to me once again! I lost 327 points on my item level just yesterday. I went from 25,304 down to 24,977. Funny you should mention teleporting because mine went down when i visited Icewindale (last time as well) I also noticed that if i switch my companion the level goes up to 25,003, if wish i could pin…
Imho thats not a cryptic issue its a player issue. I do get where you are coming from cause if you are 27k and your stats suck then thats just a problem on the players end, which in turn affects the overall efficiency of completing a dungeon. I for one dont bother doing dungeons certain dungeons if I know my stats arent…
Yes michael#7493 stated that already, he also said that it said to come to the forums for more info which there isnt any. Also i may be on my own on this one (or maybe not), but I never read the log in screen. Never occured to me that they might put something on there worth reading, just being honest about it.