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What is the Arc Client?
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  • It's been around since launch but was made "public" 2-3 days ago and was heavily abused for the last 12-16 hours before they took the servers down.
  • Irony overload...
  • The amount of people doing it has very little to do with anything when it comes to removing the duped AD, it's spread throughout basically all characters by now. And your solution to leave the AD on the innocents is what will lead to a compromised economy, which is my point to begin with...
  • Again I have to say, don't be that naive guy. They would have to reverse every transaction that contained even 1 duped AD, they would have to remove gear of innocent people to do that, they would have to remove Zen from people and the transaction they did with said Zen, reverse respecs and so on. Not only would it take an…
  • No, that naive guy that think this will all be fixed. Lets say that they trace any and all occurrences of this exploit since launch, then they have to trace the AD through AH, trades, Zen exchange, then they have to trace what happened to those items gained, then they have to go to the next line in the web and start all…
  • Don't be that guy...
  • Probably far older than you so no need to be condescending... The exploit was public for way more than 12 hours before they took the servers down and has been around since launch, you do the math here. Exploiters tend to try and keep things like this a secret as long as they can for a reason, to be able to exploit it for…
  • So basically what you're saying is that you will leave hundreds of millions of duped AD in the economy... Best of luck to you, I'm out.