My Guardian is Half Elf. I went against the stereotype. Typically HE's are the so-called "wussy" classes. He looks pretty mean. Does pretty good dmg. I got his str to 24 at 60.
yeah the nice thing about Tactician is you never have to worry about having AP. Pity the Dailies are kinda lackluster. Then again, all Dailies for all classes are kinda "meh" except for GWF's SLAM and CW's Singularity.
I agree to a point. If you're doing foundry quests only to fulfill your dailies. Then yes, they're obnoxious at 60. Personally I don't think Dailies should have been introduced until 60, and none of this do 4 of X stuff, just a single daily quest (like the phrase implies) with a larger payout. And in the case of foundries…
Knight's Challenge is perhaps my favorite double duty, tanking + damage skill. I can pop it to pull something off someone / reduce the damage of a huge attack against someone. Or I can pop it and mix it with Anvil to help finish something off. Basically in my opinion, if you're tanking and not having Knight's Challenge on…
I know with my two foundry quests I've authored, I've designed them TO be extremely hard. Why? Cause vanilla PVE content is easy. That being said, the Foundry is limited in how you can do that. My first map I just stacked redonkulous amounts of challenging mobs. Also ambushes. It was kinda lame but worked for what i…
Heh I noticed that too. It's like the Lizardman equivalent of a commoner decides to step outside his hut one day to find a "Good" Halfling GWF at his stoop ready to plow his blade through his skull.
Hmmm well I've earned something near 1000 zen on surveys so....I dunno...survey better? I noticed that if you refuse to ID your ethnicity you're rejected less fyi. Also if you're white/caucasian, statistically for online surveys you'll be rejected because you're the largest consumer group by default. The companies doing…
keep in mind the Dev in his State of The Game address said "Ranged" class. with quotes. This could very well imply the Scourge Warlock vs the Archer Ranger. as it is a close "range" dps class.
The Wererat Thief is extremely useful. Just slap some regen equip on him, he'll last long time and his 360 degree knockback is awesome. Should almost be a Controller pet.
*grin* Here's the thing though Riven, as you and screamingpalm are pointing out (and I do get where you both are coming from), yes. if everyone pays one flat price and gets the same content. You get exactly that. However that's not what F2P genre is about. F2P IS capitalism meets gaming. It introduces real economics…
But that's just it. It's not greedy or shady. It's business. a box price or sub just puts a cost at a different point. Those crying "Pay to Win" fail to understand that you're paying to win with a sub, you're paying to win with a box price. Payment is involved no matter what. Under this logic you're "paying to win" by…
But isn't that the point? Isn't that what capitalism and microtransactions are all about? The notion that a Free To Play game being truly free is a misnomer invented by someone with irrational delusions. The game certainly isn't free for PWE to maintain.
I've discovered that if you put a single Regen item on the pet, it's survivability increases DRASTICALLY. My wererat thief rarely dies. And a non combat jelly cube is pointless. It should be a controller pet with the similar "pull into self" skill the Gelatinous Cube in the Water Clock Tower has.
This just goes to the notion of competitive marketplace and people being comfortable charging for different things at different rates. It's not fleecing. Its price quoting. Lumberjack 1 will cut down X number of Trees for Y Dollars as long as Total time doesn't exceed Z hours. Then its B Dollars an hour after that.…
To Touch on the Survey topic, I originally mentioned. Not knowing specifics, PWE probably has a sales team that works with Peanut Labs which then negotiate rates for surveys to be featured on PWE for their consumer base to voluntarily take part in. the Marketing and Research companies basically PAY peanut labs to help them…
The whole point is that everyone is going "boooooo look at this! They're charging me money for this!" OK fine. Lets say they didn't charge money for that, now, what should they charge money for? Do you want to know why TV Executives cancel TV shows you and I like? Because they aren't making the company (i.e. TV Channel)…