Don't forget the importance of items and abilitys that increase "threat". without them it is particularly easy for rouges and other high dps to overtake you, look at the agro bar and if it changes from red to green or yellow you have lost agro.
early acess is currently not working for the new mod. ok it is working but you can't activate the new mod without talking to jarlaxile in menzo. which requires 55k il
the pefrect way to celebrate the tenth aniversery would be re releasing the foundry but i don't see that happening (even though the resource files still exist within the game).
I'm defiantly not meta at all. I build based on my own wants and what fits my characters idc what anyone else is doing or wants me to do, if you're not under the VAL alliance eff off. /dnd and block exists for a reason. screaming at me like a Karen won't do any good. and yes this has happened to me before.
if we are talking about classes that need reworks, GWF sentinel needs a major overhaul. I main this class and with power creep it is becoming very hard to keep agro. archers and rogues for some reason seem to be especially prone to grabbing agro.
I would try directly launching from the EXE file. Seems to fix quite a few issues i've had with it. should be in C:\neverwinter_en\neverwinter.exe just search for neverwinter.exe on your computer. then make a shortcut on the desktop.
Could you give tanks a little love? as it stands, it feels as though tanks aren't really necessary for alot of things. I main a tank barbie and honestly item creep has pretty much made tanks irrelevant. I see rogues run off and agro mobs before i can even grab agro off them the mob is dead. There's also times where hard…
I play a Barbie tank myself and the only issues I have is when DPS use an item that generates agro. I Have the charging bull ring which helps but sometimes rogues in particular generate agro even when using hard taunts.
I honestly have no idea who this person was but that's a bit harsh to say about anybody..... I never met them and have been playing for quite a long time, maybe different timezones idk but my heart goes out to thier family, losing someone in a motor vehicle accident is very hard.
I don't think there would be a way to tell if someone legitimately lost the connection or just switched off their wifi, at least not a way that doesn't involve keyloggers/viruses. I've had both things happen when i disconnect because my wifi is is spotty. gotten a leaver or just logged back in. It really seems to depend…
RTQ is just that Random, it's in the name for a reason. It's just a place for joining a random group. Random groups can include inexperienced or lower level players, comes with the territory. There's a reason trials like tower of the mad mage aren't in the random que, It's too difficult to train people who won't follow…
I added this to make the unread posts stand out. I couldn't even tell read from unread posts before. It's tricky but with inspect element you can eventually find most things. I'm not that experienced with CSS honestly. I just trial and error mostly. Lets keep adding our improvements here. It really is sad that we need to…
I'm running 1080p myself and can see what you mean. It looks more like it was made for a tiny phone screen. If you could create a stylish for the forums that would be awesome.
many lvl 20 guilds will take in people as long as they are lvl 20 including mine, we just want to make sure you're going to stick around. But yeah people just plane ignore the mechanics half the time. two days ago I was tanking LoMM with a pug group and both me and the healer tried to explain that you needed to kill the…
CPR that's funny, the game is just running on life support mostly at this point. The repetitive and dumbed down events are proof of this. (look at day of dungeon master rework for example) I used to spend money on this game but when m16 decimated the foundry and character builds I stopped. rather than totaly reworking the…
Not a single new item in there. it's all recycled old content. They could at least add some fashion sets to make it more worthwhile for long time players.
How about adding back the zones previously removed? And stop reworking the old zones. Pretty soon there's going to be no place left for people to get gear/farm if they keep doing this.
there should be an event currency at the very least with a vendor in the area instead of putting the items in the AD store, the way it is now, there's no incentive to get people to play it. Simaler to how the master of coin gives tasks in certain areas, you could have flabergast give a daily task in an area like complete 3…
they should have just left it alone and changed the removed areas out for ones that are still there there was no reason to completly remove the temporary campaign. at least they should have a rewards vendor there that gives things like the dews and snacks and fashion items.