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What is the Arc Client?
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  • i believe he was referring to the fact it shows the bulk amount requested, and we don't know if it's from 1 person requesting that much zen or a multitude of people.
  • actually you can get quite a lot of AD if you are lucky and/or play the AH right. just getting a few very rare level assets from the profession bags is enough to net you a few millions, and people do pay hefty prices for stuff like full crafted (tier 3 results) and epics. the 24k refined AD/day is really just small change…
  • damage is a factor of survival, it doesn't help that you can do immense amounts for a few seconds if you then spend the rest of the fight at the campfire watching other people take the boss down. i don't see it as much of a concern from TR point of view, it does suck for the classes that are actually meant to take the…