Look this is your thread and its about a pvp cleric. I am not going to knock you for posting this information or how you play your cleric. The cleric is effective at what it does, but you sir do not play well with others. Your story up there is touching, it is. although it is false I understand your reasons for telling the…
I normally don't do this but I am going to here. I played a couple matches with Gctrl and I will say it was annoying having him on the team. While the team was working together trying to get points one and 2 he would go off and head to 3 to try and solo someone. When our point 1 was being taken, I went then and helped…
This guy is smart! Also when they are conqueror, the goal is to not block because they do more damage based on how much block meter they have. Take that bit of advice and do what you must.
If you thing GF goes in without patience your silly, we come in and look at the one guy not paying attention then wreck him, but we have to be careful to not get the one guy surrounded by his team mates otherwise its a death wish. Also Ill point out like I said above, if you are paying attention and see a GF coming you…
I would like to point out that we GF dont jump that would be a GWF. I would admit our damage is pretty intense I was shocked rolling a tank and being able to basically 3 shot people. Secondly each class can fight it just takes patience. If your the unlucky guy that got hit by our damage rotation yeah your basically screwed…