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  • 1. In two sentences max, what do you think about the drow 60 day exclusivity? I think a temporary exclusivity period is a poor way to market a founders' pack or collector's edition: it adds nothing new and is just a temporary switch (feels cheap tbh:(). I would much prefer a purely cosmetic, but permanent, perk for…
  • Agree - great post! There's a difference between flavour and diversity in a gameplay sense. I'm all for being able to add personal touches, but gameplay has to come first (because not everyone will care about immersion etc but everyone is playing the game!:p) It's more important to have access to genuinely different…
  • Since I just had a look on youtube for rogue stuff, here's what I found that seemed interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSx1gSFdec0 - looks at the class abilities and feats (watch from the beginning) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7vRnueTKJw - jump to about 45 secs in for a boss fight from the first group dungeon…
  • A quick update. After I couldn't get either the downloader or the torrent to go any faster than snail-speed, I did the following. I downloaded the patcher linked in this threard: http://techsupport.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=7241, ran it, logged in and allowed it to patch. I got normal download speeds and it has…
  • I'm getting infinitesimal download speeds for both the torrent and the direct download. Less than 1kb/s. I tried disabling AV, disabling Firewall, port forwarding and redownloading the downloader multiple times. If this might be a network throttling issue, I'm in the UK and regrettably stuck with BT. Would welcome any…